More old thoughts
Aug 1, 2005
I was just thinking about a show I saw on TRIO over the weekend on the N Word. It went over the history and actual meaning, as well as worldwide take on the word.
I noticed something else though. In the mid- to late `80s rap was still considered a fad. The overall call for unity, pride and uplifting of blacks in America was the general theme culminating with Public Enemy. Until N.W.A. and the west coast introduction.
I do understand the call for stating what they were living but did anyone notice that the record companies, that had previously stated away from rap, as well as videos not being shown relatively ever, suddenly turned around. By `90-91 roughly, the number of groups, with the new "gansta" style promoted and available, grew exponentially. Matching that growth was the image of Blacks as gangsters and criminals. Also equal to that growth was the use of N____. Prior to the use in records it was considered a word that could incite riots, and legally was a reason to cause bodily harm.
While the word has not changed its meaning, no matter what the youth or entertainers wishing to get rich claim, its use has become rampant. Many producers are conflicted in rap and entertainment, as it brings them money but they would not want to be called this, nor to their kids. And the black culture has bought into the image of men being little more than criminals, waiting to be killed by cops or competitors. Unless you can play games well (ie. baseball, basketball, or football).
How sad that that is what the descendants of the creators of the pyramids, math, blood transfusions and more have come to. If that is all life could be it would not be worth living. But I do know that there is more. What do you think?

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