Letter to Rudy Giuliani - 4.5.2007.1
This is an unaltered copy of a letter sent to Mr. Rudy Giuliani. Any response made will be posted, unaltered, when recieved.
To see other letters sent to Presidential candidates, visit M V Consulting, Inc.
April 5, 2007
Mr. Giuliani,
I am writing you in regard to your current attempt to gain the Republican nomination for the race for President of the United States in 2008. I am a native New Yorker and lived in the city during your time as Mayor of that city. I am also President of M V Consulting, Inc., a non-partisan corporation that has not contributed to any politician or political group, which maintains several internet businesses including blogs. I add that I have not contributed to any politician or party, nor have any of my sites advocated any individual or party in regard to the upcoming Presidential election.
I say all of this because I would like to ask you some questions on why you feel you should be President of the United States. It is my goal to post your response, as well as this letter, unaltered on my blogs for my readers to evaluate. I feel that the 2008 election is a critical point for the United States and its future. As such I believe it is important for as wide an audience of the public as possible to be informed in their voting choices. In addition I feel it important that I inform you that no changes to any response you provide will be made.
I add that I have already sent a similar letter to several other candidates of both parties. If you wish to review the letters that were sent previously, and where any response you make will be placed, please go to:
I thank you in advance for your co-operation in answering these questions for my readers and myself.
For many Americans the first time you came to national attention was after the attacks of September 11. What many may not realize is that you started your political career as a Democrat. What led you to change your political affiliation? What changed in your political ideology that caused this move?
Many may not recall that in 1989 you ran for Mayor of New York City and lost to Mr. David Dinkins. What did you attribute to this loss and what did you learn from it?
During your time as Mayor of New York City you implemented several programs that had mixed results. One of those actions was the renovation of the West 42nd street area. Many native New Yorkers feel that the area was sold out to major corporations, in particular Disney, and the soul of the area was lost as well as multiple mom-and-pop business owners. To those detractors, what would you say were your reasons and what benefits were gained by the average New Yorker?
Another matter that was received in a mixed manner was your choice of police commissioner and the law enforcement policies during your term of office. During your time as Mayor, Mr. Amidou Diallo and Mr. Patrick Dorismond were murdered by police officers in a disturbing manner and Mr. Abner Louima was tortured by police officers which was then attempted to be covered up. These policies and your defense of the police department created a significant atmosphere of anger and cries of racism among the African American, Hispanic/Latino and other minority groups in the city; that was not covered significantly across the nation. For those African American and minority voters in the nation, what are your views on law enforcement? Where do you stand on Affirmative Action and other reforms that address racial inequality?
Considering the strong stance against organized crime and for law enforcement, as seen from your actions mentioned above and in your work as a U.S. Attorney, what stance do you believe America should take under your potential leadership towards countries such as Iran, and towards terrorist groups such as Al Quida?
Considering the record number of drop-outs that are African American, and the problems in education nationally in general, what efforts would you emphasize to improve the situation?
Of late there has been a great deal of discussion regarding a national healthcare program. Are you in favor of such a program and if so how would you fund this program? One of the arguments against such a program involves the question of whether the quality of healthcare could be maintained, and what motivation or incentive would pharmaceutical companies have to continue to research new medicines. What are your thoughts on this?
A current focus point of debate is the War in Iraq. Many Americans are upset about the status of the war, and others seek to retreat from this engagement entirely. Repercussions from any decision in this matter are probable to have ramifications for some time in the future of this nation. Where do you stand on this debate? What path do you intend to follow if you are elected? What do you see as potential outcomes of your proposed actions in the next 5 years?
It is well known that you are a cancer survivor. The health of the future President of the nation is a concern for many Americans. To that end I ask what your current health status is. In addition, I would never wish cancer on anyone, but if your cancer were to return and you had been elected President how do you believe you will react? Based on your experience initially, how do you feel this could affect you actions and responsibilities as President?
In recent media interviews you mentioned that your wife could be involved in non-policy meetings, if you are elected. Many may have heard this comment and the flurry of comments about it. Not as many may have heard your subsequent explanation on this matter. Could you explain that for my readers?
I want to thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I look forward to your response. I again mention that this letter and any response will be posted without any alteration.
Michael Vass
President - M V Consulting, Inc.
Author - Black Entertainment USA and Vass
Labels: African American, education, Iraq War, New York City, presidential candidate, presidential election, republican, Rudy Giuliani, universal healthcare

Those are all fair.
I would ask why he's against union labor? Another attack on under-educated Americans searching for some protection while they chase the "American Dream"
As someone who worked in NYC and lived right outside during his entire run in office I would NEVER vote for him.
He's a product of the spin cycle that is American politics these days. Nothing more and a whole lot less. All anyone has to do is look up his approval ratings on 9/10/01. The lowest of his entire run as mayor.
He's a fraud. Need more proof... Check out what the Firefighter's union is saying about him in NYC. They are disgusted by him, have not invited him to speak at any of their function and have already alerted his people he will not be getting their support going forward.
People want to talk about Rudy as some sort of "hero".... Perhaps they should look up what the real heros of that day are saying about him before they decide he's their guy.
I tried to comment on your Imus post but the box will not open. Feel free to stop my blog and say whatever you like on the subject. I would certainly welcome your points of view.
Thank you for responding. I think any difficulty you had for responding at the Black Entertainment USA site should be resolved now. I'm sorry for that problem.
As for your comments on Mr. Guiliani, I respect that you have strong feelings. I have not taken any opinion on any candidate at this point. I will not as I will not influence any decision my readers may have at this early stage.
I also will not make any statement as I am seeking to hear responses from the candidates to the questions I have posed to them.
I would ask that if you feel so strongly about this or any candidate, that you send them a link to www.vassconsult.com/politics/election2008.html or a copy of the question I have sent and ask them to respond.
But I am glad you have stated your opinion. This election is too important not to voice an opinion.
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