Marine Corps high school in Chicago
**this post can also be seen at All American Blog, where I am a contributing author as well.**
Oh the horror. Yes true terror because kids in school are being asked to be disciplined and respectful. That is the real argument against the new Marine Corps High School that just opened in Chicago, in my view.
I think the argument against this school can be summed up by this quote
"What it does prepare them to do is be good little soldiers, which I'm afraid we've got all too much of these days," said Andy Thayer.”
Wow. Mr. Thayer is just far too out there. We have too many American citizens protecting our nation and allowing citizens to live their lives making comments like this without being shot dead in the middle of a street. We have too many in the Armed Forces that love our country so much that they are willing, voluntarily, to giove their lives for what they see as the greatest nation in the world.
I must say that I obviously disagreee with Mr. Thayer and those that share his opinion.
In a world where Columbine events are becoming part and parcel of going to school, individuals like Mr. Thayer want to increase such events rather than lessen them as I see it. Discipline and obedience, are not bad things. Uniforms, of any type, are not a bad thing. Why all the fear?
One might conclude that the kids in this school are required to join the military. That assumption is wrong. One might think that the kids are not being taught the same as in other high schools, and again that is false.
There is a long tradition and history of great leaders that have attended West Point and other military schools. I have yet to hear anyone say that they have failed to educate or prepare their students. Yet, given this precidence, there are those that oppose a military school that is voluntary to enter, and more disciplined during this time of upheaval and confusion in our schools.
Why? Because Mr. Thayer, and others of his ilk, oppose the War in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now I respect that anyone who opposes the war voices their opinion. But I find it stupid to reject various acts that benefit our children and nation, because of that opposition.
Much like the rejection given to the Blue Angels, the Marine Silent Drill Team, and other events in San Fransico; this is based on one belief that is inflicted on those that neither have anything to do about it nor nessecarily agree. Providing children an education in a disciplined and safe environment, or allowing our returning slodiers the ability to enter an airport terminal does not help those that wish to run from the war.
Whether running away, tail between our collective legs, is an effective end of fighting versus a group of people that oppose our existence due to their religious belief is a question that will not be answwered by attacking the institutions and people that exist to help maintain and improve American lives.
It’s time that those that oppose the war stop attacking people and institutions that have nothing to do with American law and policy. If the only answer is there are ‘too many soliders ‘ then that is not good enough to attack the new Marine school. My response is simply that there are too many Columbine/Virginia Tech shootings, too high a drop-out rate, too many teen mothers, and kids in trouble to say that the system shouldn’t have a school like this.
That’s the real issue being attacked, and that has nothing to do with the Marines or the war in Iraq, no matter how it is spun.
Unless comments like this carry no weight
"When people see that we went to a military school, they know we're obedient, we follow directions, we're disciplined" Natassa Bourkas, 16, a student at the Naval academy, told the Tribune."
Labels: Chicago Public School, Columbine, Marine Corps, Marine school, Virginia Tech shootings

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