Pros and Cons of the leading Democratic Presidential Candidates Part 2 - 11.29.2007.2
Continued from Pros and Cons of the leading Democratic Presidential Candidates Part 1...
These are a few Pros and Cons of the various candidates that will be appearing on at the Heartland Presidential Forum that will be webcast live by TV One on Saturday.
- Lawyer
- Current 1st term Senator
- Healthcare advocate
- First African American candidate with a chance
- Liberal in most policies
- Oprah Winfrey is major supporter
- Not Hillary Clinton
- Gained multiple former long-time Clinton supporters
- Consistently against Iraq war
- Charismatic, compassionate
- Pro-abortion
- Strong individual citizen support (internet donations)
Cons- Lawyer
- Relative short public office experience
- Black
- Has interracial parents
- Lived in an Islamic nation (as a youth)
- Allegedly a smoker
- No military service
- Non-traditional name
- Pro-Illegal Immigration
- Anti-school vouchers
- Pro-immediate withdrawal from Iraq
- Pro-abortion
Senator Barack Obama
Continued in Part 3...
Labels: election 2008, Heartland Presidential Forum, Oprah Winfrey, political debate, Senator Barack Obama, TV One

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