President Obama - a what if press release - 1.25.2008.3
**A fictional press release**
Major City in America – A date some time between 2009 - 2012 -- America still reeling 3 days after the shocking assassination of its leader.
On the 1st day after the assassination of President Barack Obama, by at least 3 men from a fringe radical group, America is still in turmoil. Across the nation riots continue to encompass most of the major cities. New York, Los Angeles, and D.C. are all in states of emergency as huge crowds of African Americans continue to express rage at the murder of the nations first Black President.
The riots started shortly after President Obama was shot while addressing the nation, offering an official apology from the United States Government to all the descendants of Africans enslaved in America from 1619 to 1865. The apology was a huge political hotbed of debate prior to the speech, with dozens of legislators and governors of both political parties publicly disagreeing with the President’s intent to issue the apology. Several hate groups had been actively suggesting that if the apology were made that it was the final straw and that action would need to be taken against President Obama.
While President Obama had encountered consistent death threats since his election win in 2008, and 2 prior attempts on his life, he had stated that he would go through with the speech. Even pressure from within his own political party was not enough to sway his determination.
“There has been too much time that has passed without acknowledging the contributions and sacrifice these founding Americans made for this nation. While they were taken from their homes and families against their will, they helped to create the nation we have today and their progeny stand side by side with Americans from every race, religion and country in equality and peace. It’s time we say that America made a mistake then, and that we can now look forward to a future no longer marred by the past we so long refused to speak about.”
Shortly after beginning his speech to the nation, at least 3 men fired on the President. Two of the men were in the large crowd that had gathered for the speech, armed with 9mm pistols, and another was inside an office building with a rifle, of unknown power and make at this time. The President was struck at least 5 times.
The 2 men in the crowd were apprehended quickly after being shot in an exchange of fire with police and Secret Service agents. One died on the scene, the other is in critical condition under guard in an undisclosed hospital in the area. The third suspect was caught in the resulting dragnet of the city 4 hours later. It is unknown if there were any other individuals involved in the assassination.
Within minutes of the senseless murder of the leader of the nation, several racist hate groups denied involvement in the attack. Also videotaped denials were released by the current leader of Al Quida, refuting early claims that the assassination was retribution for the successful end of the Iraq war and the death of Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden was killed in the waning months of the Iraq War, trying to re-enter Pakistan in a firefight with U.S. forces that attempted to capture him and his small entourage of terrorist supporters.
Riots broke out around the nation within minutes of the announcement that President Obama had died while doctors were operating on him to save his life. The President had been undergoing emergency surgery for 2 hours after being shot, and the doctors performing the surgery stated that the damage inflicted was just to severe to counter.
The worst of the riots are in the renovated sections of New Orleans and Chicago where the President previously called home prior to his election, and where he served as an Illinois Senator.
World leaders continue to issue statements of remorse, and call for peace in this distressing time in America. Several nations have voiced concern over the control of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, and the military which has also reported several events of fighting and disturbances at bases across the world. While there has been no sigh of a breakdown of nuclear control, or fractioning of the military, international tensions have increased significantly.
Religious leaders of all faiths, particularly Civil Rights leaders Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton and even the controversial Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, have all called for calm. So far these calls have gone unheeded.
It is unclear how long this unrest will last. Few imagined that the possibility of an apology for slavery could cause such chaos. But the whole world is paying attention to what the former Vice-President and now President will do.
President Obama will be known for his winning of the nearly decade long Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the virtual elimination of the terrorist organization Al Quida, the continuing fight against the ‘Gods Arm’ terrorist organization that replaced Al Quida, his quick actions to restore normalcy in the earthquake ravaged suburbs of San Diego, the recovery from the 2 year economic recession of 2008, his work on balancing the American legal systems’ enforcement and punishment and rights of gays, women and minorities.
***The previous is a fictional news release that could happen. There are those in America that fear this becoming a possibility. Many refuse to acknowledge this fear, or even the consideration of several of the events I have described.
I hope to never see such a news release. But it is a real possibility. Yet if this were to happen, and the events I’ve detailed came to pass, what would happen next?
Would America be better for each of these things to happen? And what if the assassination or even attempts never happened? What if these events, enacted by my fictitious President Obama, were done by a Republican candidate, or Hillary Clinton?
The real question here is that there are real issues before America, and the next President will need to address them. Many of the problems are deeper than the mere surface questions debated about currently.
We all have the right to vote. That vote implies many things, and directly determines the direction this nation will take. Don’t squander that vote. Don’t sell it cheaply because of the race, gender, political party, or 30 second polispeak answer of a candidate.
If we all vote, I believe we will select the best person (whomever that may be), and direction, for all of America. The President should have no less in mind, and we should elect that President for no less of a reason.
Labels: Al Sharpton, American Slavery, Chicago, democrat, election 2008, Jesse Jackson, New Orleans, Polispeak, Presidential race, Reparations for Slavery, republican, That's why I vote

Well, you're right that many of us who are supporting him think about this sort of thing but won't say it. It sucks that we have to even think it. I reassure myself that GW Bush is one of the most hated presidents/individuals in some parts of the world, and no one's taken him out yet amazingly; but then I think, well, the people who might hate Obama own guns. I've gone so far as to think really hard on the whole VP issue...who would he pick who could (gosh I hate to vocalize this) lead were he to not finish his term? But, while sometimes I do doubt God's power to intervene when I look at the world, I also believe that we are mere humans. If we live in fear, nothing will ever change. The way a nation is subdued and manipulated is through fear. People are afraid to die, afraid to speak out, afraid to resist, and so the oppressive power remains and grows. So in this case I vote according to my conscience and my hope for a different America, and leave the unknown to the Creator. Perhaps that sounds trite, but I mean that.
I'm glad that there are some that get what I was trying to state. I've recieved several attacks over this post already.
I intended to spark debate, thought and emotion, but wow.
"The way a nation is subdued and manipulated is through fear. People are afraid to die, afraid to speak out, afraid to resist, and so the oppressive power remains and grows."
I agree, and that is one of the points I was highlighting. We need to talk about a lot of things in America. Race relations is just one of them, but it's a big one that has been avoided for centuries. Had we discussed it before, today there would be no way race, and perhaps gender and religion, could ever be factors to sway votes in any direction.
But maybe, if enough people vote and continue to do so, our children and grand-children amy grow into an America where such tactics are not just dirty, but ineffective and shunned.
So again I say, vote. It's your right, it counts, and unlike other places in the world no one dies because of it.
What if Obama is assassinated in office ?
I wrote an essay on this subject because I believe it could lead to a US collapse, this is a synopsis.
I would first say that I am against anyone killing anyone and hope this never happens to any president, but historically presidents have been assassinated and that possibility should be open for free discussion.
What would happen if Obama is assasinated in office ? There are well organized and armed groups that absolutely will not allow the US to have a non-white president. There are many more individual radicals that have this same view. The chances of one or more of these people planning and carrying out an assination attempt on Obama if he is elected is very high in my opinion.
If an attempt is successful what would be the effect in the US, and what if this assassination included his wife and children ?
When president Kennedy was assassinated it was a white man killing a white man and the entire nation except for a few disenfranchised people mourned and were brought closer as the result. I do not believe that will be the case in the event Obama is assassinated by a white man especially if this white man has any ties to the radical aryan groups we have in the US.
We have allready witness how many blacks reacted after the beating of Rodney King and the subsequent trial. There were riots in many black neighborhoods and violence against innocent white people. Just imagine what will be the reaction if Obama is killed by a white man!
I believe if an assassination does occur it may quickly escalate into an all out civil race war. This will reult in marshal law and the national guard will be deployed. But our national guard has lots of black men enlisted so what will our gov do. Will they arm these black soldiers and expect them to kill other black people in the event of major civil dissobedience ?
You will see guerilla warfare with black leaders and white leaders taking law into there own hands. Anyone and everyone has a gun these days and they will be used. Prisons are ultra full of black men that will riot and kill any white inmates and this will require more effort by the National guard and local authorities to contain leaving our streets vulnerable. People will try to leave the US but other countries will seal their borders for fear of a mass US migration.
Power plants, factories, stores, and financial institutions will close out of fear of racial attacks. People will be cold, hungry and possibly homeless as the national guard and guerilla groups take over cities and kill or imprison opposing parties. I believe you will see atrocities that will rival that of Hitlers concentration camps, and it will all be in high definition curtesy of our media which will further infuriate and feed the panic.
The US will be divided int a north and south or black and white and people not willing to move will be moved or killed I fear.
Other countries like Europe may want to help but many countries will do nothing and enjoy the civil war the US is facing and hope if the US collapses they can step in and sweep up the spoils.
Countries that are muslim may even support the black muslims guerilla soldiers with money, supplies and weapons. White people will want to defend themselves but most white people do not have the kill to survive at all costs mentality that guerilla fighters will and they will be overcome.
power plants, military bases, and nuclear weapons facilities will fall into the hand of guerillas and it is possible these could be used by radical groups within our own borders on our own people.
If leaders of the newly formed white and black nations can work out a peace treaty they may be able to co-exist on this tiny continent, but I think that would be difficult and only the stronger will survive. Which is that ? Well thats up to you to figure out!
You say on your home page that comments even dissenting ones are appreciated yet you will not post my essay titled "what if Obama is assassinated ?" which speaks the real fear that many people have ? Are YOU so paralyzed by fear or so controlling that you can't let people read and decide for themselves about the possibility of an assissination and its outcome ?
You owe me an apology. I will accept that you took the time to write your exactly same comments to both of my blogs. I accept that you had a very passionate if not bleak view. I accept that your focus on my fictional post was not the direction that I intended it to evoke.
You may notice that your previous post on Black Entertainment USA was approved without pause. But when your post here at VASS was delayed in approval, did you take a moment to wonder why? It would seem not as you sought immediate gratification. So one would conclude from your 2nd comment.
You might want to check some of the times that you see my posts are placed on the blogs. I write at times that are not locked into the 9-5 that many may work at. I follow China, and write for multiple blogs besides my own. And as a consequence I sleep when most are awake. It’s 2 am and I am now about to start checking results from the Primaries here – that have full reporting done, as well as seeing what is happening in the overseas markets in their time.
And why have I not allowed immediate approval of posts on VASS? Because of the political nature of this blog. I in fact have only deleted 3 comments in 3 years, two of them were repugnant personal attacks and the 3rd was a blatant political advertisement, which I have stated previously I will not allow.
Your comment – “Are YOU so paralyzed by fear or so controlling that you can't let people read and decide for themselves about the possibility of an assissination and its outcome ?”
If you think me paralyzed by fear, you have not read many of my posts. You also must not think that the post you responded to was a shock and troubling both to me and many that have read it.
As for controlling, please, if you think I do not control certain aspects of my corporation I wonder how you think I’ve maintained it. But do not consufe that with controlling comments, where if you look throughout my blogs you will find many that dissent, and even insult me directly. Do not presume that, at the same time, I am without the ability to determine that an insult, defamatory statement, advertisment, spam, or anything else is objectionable. I own these blogs, and the only absolute rights are the ones I provide. Yet I choose to allow dissenting, and somewhat insulting comments because I believe in the voices of my readers being heard. But I draw the line where a voice becomes distracting and vile, as most any professional publication (televised, written or on the web) does.
I assume this was a means for your to try to provoke me into getting your post approved. Your need to see this comment published somehow fulfilled a sense of whatever. I intended to publish it. I just can’t do that while I sleep.
In fact I was planning to reply to your original comment in an entirely different manner. But now I am annoyed by you and this is the only comment I will make. Next time have a bit of patience before you start throwing around allusions, and presuming you have a right to anything that is beyond your own ownership.
I look forward to your apology, but if you chose to make some other comment I will accept and publish that. Though if it is defamatory, insulting, vile, crass or such it will not see the light of day on my blogs.
I have a comment to what you wrote “What if Obama is assassinated in office?”
Let me begin by addressing the things you wrote in the order in which they appear in your post. Bear with me, as these are my own opinion.
“What would happen if Obama is assasinated in office ? There are well organized and armed groups that absolutely will not allow the US to have a non-white president. There are many more individual radicals that have this same view. The chances of one or more of these people planning and carrying out an assination attempt on Obama if he is elected is very high in my opinion.”
Ok this pretty openly states that a white hate group would target President Obama simply because he is black and that starts this whole thing off. Someone white killing our black president simply because of the color of his skin.
“If an attempt is successful what would be the effect in the US, and what if this assassination included his wife and children ?”
Here you are saying that these same whites will sink so low as to kill his wife and children not letting the situation end with the life of the president. But this also suggest that the guards the president would have would be less than effective in doing their jobs and it would be just that easy to accomplish this task.
“When president Kennedy was assassinated it was a white man killing a white man and the entire nation except for a few disenfranchised people mourned and were brought closer as the result. I do not believe that will be the case in the event Obama is assassinated by a white man especially if this white man has any ties to the radical aryan groups we have in the US.”
Here you are telling us that if just one white person did this awful deed that ok maybe it would be left at that but if its found to be a white Aryan group then we are looking at much more coming to light again you are saying that someone white caused this situation to occur.
“We have allready witness how many blacks reacted after the beating of Rodney King and the subsequent trial. There were riots in many black neighborhoods and violence against innocent white people. Just imagine what will be the reaction if Obama is killed by a white man!”
There is no doubt that what happened in the Rodney King situation was horrible to say the least but you are also implying that the violence against what you call “innocent white people “ was through no fault of their own that all the whites involved had never done a thing wrong to any of the people who you are assuming were all blacks. If I remember correctly there were plenty of Hispanic and Asians not to mention other Whites looting as well and causing just as much violence and damage. You are making that entire situation one sides and only black and white. You are very wrong on that score, that situation ended up being very much multi racial.
“I believe if an assassination does occur it may quickly escalate into an all out civil race war. This will reult in marshal law and the national guard will be deployed. But our national guard has lots of black men enlisted so what will our gov do. Will they arm these black soldiers and expect them to kill other black people in the event of major civil dissobedience ?”
Here you are making a case from what it seems to say that black soldiers will not do their jobs if it involves killing other blacks. You are very wrong indeed, if the job was to stop a rioting group of people be they black or some other racial group it would make no difference they are there to keep the public safe regardless of the color of the skin of the group causing the problem. These men and women pledged their lives to the United States of America not to the color of someone’s skin. When they are called in to do a job they get the job done. It is often that our armed forces find them selves facing an enemy that shares the same skin color and it does not distract from the job they have to do.
“You will see guerilla warfare with black leaders and white leaders taking law into there own hands. Anyone and everyone has a gun these days and they will be used. Prisons are ultra full of black men that will riot and kill any white inmates and this will require more effort by the National guard and local authorities to contain leaving our streets vulnerable.”
How can you suggest that the prisons are ultra full of black men? Have you done a study on all the prisons in the US or is this a guess from what you have seen on television? You also are suggesting that the blacks will just up and kill any and all whites they come across and that the guards are just going to sit back and let it happen. In a case of civil unrest prisons will do what they do best and keep the prisoners from killing each other.
“People will try to leave the US but other countries will seal their borders for fear of a mass US migration.
Power plants, factories, stores, and financial institutions will close out of fear of racial attacks. People will be cold, hungry and possibly homeless as the national guard and guerilla groups take over cities and kill or imprison opposing parties.”
Here you are suggesting that the entire infrastructure of the country will collapse and that there are no safe guards against such a situation happening. Even in the poorest of countries where civil unrest is a daily on going crisis you will find banks, stores, power plants and factories running. If the entire infrastructure collapses what is left for anyone to take over? Not much. You are also suggesting that people migrating from the US will be welcomed no where, here you are also wrong any large industrial country that may say no there are always other countries that will say yes. Why is this you may ask… because when the US gets its self back together they want to be looked upon in a very favored way? I scratch your back you scratch mine.
“I believe you will see atrocities that will rival that of Hitlers concentration camps, and it will all be in high definition curtesy of our media which will further infuriate and feed the panic.”
Here you mention the media, it would seem that your view of black in the US is largely based on what you have viewed in mass media. To have this kind of opinions of blacks makes me think that you don’t actually know any personally. Its really sad when people let the media shape what they think of another culture with out knowing any one from that culture first to make an honest informed decision on that type of people. And yes the mass media is well known for showing blacks in the worst light possible.
“The US will be divided int a north and south or black and white and people not willing to move will be moved or killed I fear.
Other countries like Europe may want to help but many countries will do nothing and enjoy the civil war the US is facing and hope if the US collapses they can step in and sweep up the spoils.”
Here you are suggesting that no one will be leading the US in its time of need. There will be a commander and chief. The US will not be left defenseless to fall pray to other countries looking to rush in and sweep up the spoils, nor will the government allow people to run the street with guns randomly killing others due to the color of their skin. You also forget that the United States of America is the great melting pot of the world. There is more than black and whites here in this great nation of ours and you can’t discount them. The lines of black and white are blurred by so much gray it will not be an easy thing to have a black and white based civil war in the US.
“Countries that are muslim may even support the black muslims guerilla soldiers with money, supplies and weapons. White people will want to defend themselves but most white people do not have the kill to survive at all costs mentality that guerilla fighters will and they will be overcome.”
This statement you make here floors me. At the beginning of your post you say that militant white supremacist groups could start this, then here you say that most whites don’t have the kill to survive mentality. I don’t see any black militant groups running around. You don’t see compounds made up of blacks with tons of guns and plans on how to over throw a government mainly their own government. Things of this nature in recent history were done by whites, such as mass school shootings. This is not to say that blacks don’t kill because drug dealers (not all black) do their fair share of killing. Gang members (not all black) also do their fair share of killing.
“If leaders of the newly formed white and black nations can work out a peace treaty they may be able to co-exist on this tiny continent, but I think that would be difficult and only the stronger will survive. Which is that ? Well thats up to you to figure out!”
Once again you are suggesting that this country is only made up of blacks and whites and that the government that would have been in place would have been over thrown. I find this hard to comprehend but anything is possible. If the imagination is allowed to run wild with out putting the proposed situation to an actual real to life thought process then yes all that you said could happen. But then again I put my faith in the fact that yes hard times could be ahead but the world is full of good people be they black, white or rainbow colored.
This is my opinion based on what you posted. It is flawed but like your post it is enough to the point to cause people to think on the subject.
First I would appologize to M. Vas for being to haste in thinking my post was being censured because of its hard line thinking. I checked back after 3 hours and it appeared your whole blog had been dropped and I assumed "incorrectly" this was done to prevent my post. I offer only this in explanation- I have had this happen on other blogs by people that claim to be open minded to differing opinions. I thank you for posting my synopsis and I hope you will accept my appology.
That said, I will respond to the comments made by Mr. Miller and try to keep it short.
1. The synopsis I presented is just one (and possibly the worst) scenario I could see happening in the event of an assassination.
2. Is is only a synopsis of a much longer essay which would cover most of the points you found lacking including: other races involvement in the event of an assassination.
3. I have researched the black population in prisons and suggest you do the same. I worked as a health ed specialist in treatment programs and have witnessed first hand the anger and hatred that exists in prisons due to racial tensions. And because of laws that unjustly punish black people and poor people, I can empathize. I have also seen the racial violence that occured in prisons as a result of the Rodney King incident and I believe this would be multiplied tremendously in the event of an assassination. What evidence that it wouldn't happen do you have ?
4.There are militant black groups and militant white groups in the US and both would be quick to see an assassination as reason to start a race war. Black militant groups have been more secretive and stayed out of the light but they exist and are well armed. If you don't believe this you are kidding yourself.
5. Many black National guard men will behave exactly as you proposed with great honor. My suggestion is that the GOV will be hesitant to arm and send black soldiers into a civil conflict especially if it does involve kiling other black people. For example Japanese American soldiers were not sent to fight Japanese in ww2 (they were given other duties). There will be confusion and debate over this issue if it happens and I believe you may see black soldiers sent away from these conflicts instead of into them. Do you really believe a black soldier, no matter how honorable he or she is, will open fire on a black american neighborhood (one he may be from)and possibly kill innocent black people ? I would ask this same question of any white person about a white soldier and a white american neighborhood and I think most would tell you very few could do it.
6. There are ongoing racial tensions between blacks and spanish and asians (see California). These other races may join with one side or the other in a racial war or form their own militias for protection. Because mexican aliens are being deported it would not suprise me to see them join with the blacks in hope of overthrowing the primarily white government that keeps them poor.
7. The media IS primarily controlled by whites and DOES portray blacks in negative ways which is why I said it would create even more tension and violence. Looks like you agree ?
IN SUMMARY, because of slavery and the atrocious treatment of blacks in the past (and currently) by whites I believe there are ongoing deep feelings of anger, mistrust and hatred by many (I say most) blacks in America today. I also know for a fact thet there is mistrust and fear of blacks by many (I say most) whites and there are many radical aryan groups that will give up their lives to see that a non-white does not become president.
I think this bomb has been set and is just in need of someone to light the match. An assassination of Obama is just what could do that.
SO WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT ? I believe Obama would make a great president and I intend to vote for him and I tell other people to vote for him, but I do believe there will be an assassination attempt and I do hope it will be thwarted and his family will not be involved. I also believe Obama needs to show unity with as many strong white men and women as he can to dispell some of the medias attempt to cast him as only the black mans president. I also believe the black population and media needs to reign in the black militant leaders and prevent them from reacting in a way that could result in the racial war I have described. There are allready FBI doing this very thing with the aryan leaders. And hopefully, I pray to God, we all can survive!
Thank you for clarifing many of your points that you made in your post. Albeit that I did not have access to your essay that you wrote on the subject as that information was not provided. I do understand that you presented the worst of scenarios that you could see possibly happening in the event of an assaassination of a black president. But given the information I had to work with I drew the conclusinos from what was made available to me. I will cover the points that pretain to what I found to be lacking in your response to what I have alread covered.
”3. I have researched the black population in prisons and suggest you do the same. I worked as a health ed specialist in treatment programs and have witnessed first hand the anger and hatred that exists in prisons due to racial tensions. And because of laws that unjustly punish black people and poor people, I can empathize. I have also seen the racial violence that occured in prisons as a result of the Rodney King incident and I believe this would be multiplied tremendously in the event of an assassination. What evidence that it wouldn't happen do you have ?”
On this point again I must say that with the population of blacks in the US only amounting to around 15% in your original post you speak as if the prison system is cramed full of almost nothing more than black and that is as I am sure you know a mistatement. But I will give you this that in many prisons there is a large black population. I have not done a study nor do I intend to do one in the near future on prison populations but should the subject become more interesting to me then I will look into it.
As for the Rodney King incident I can not comment as to the minds of people but I can say this, you want someone to provide evidence that could support facts that would say that such and event would never happen again. Well I say to that I am not a psysic and I could nor would I ever presume to know what lies in the heart of man. The future is not set in stone and that is no way to prove from the Rodney King incident that people have not learned from their past to handle things in a different way. All things are possible and to assume one over the other is limiting one to a closed minded situation and saying that people will never learn and are doomed to repet past mistakes.
”4.There are militant black groups and militant white groups in the US and
both would be quick to see an assassination as reason to start a race war. Black militant groups have been more secretive and stayed out of the light but they exist and are well armed. If you don't believe this you are kidding yourself.”
I can not speak as to weather or not there are black militant groups but I can say this as like in all things if there is one then there is the other. I have no need to kid my self on such a subject. Both are just as distasting as the other
”5. Many black National guard men will behave exactly as you proposed with great honor. My suggestion is that the GOV will be hesitant to arm and send black soldiers into a civil conflict especially if it does involve kiling other black people. For example Japanese American soldiers were not sent to fight Japanese in ww2 (they were given other duties). There will be confusion and debate over this issue if it happens and I believe you may see black soldiers sent away from these conflicts instead of into them. Do you really believe a black soldier, no matter how honorable he or she is, will open fire on a black american neighborhood (one he may be from)and possibly kill innocent black people ? I would ask this same question of any white person about a white soldier and a white american neighborhood and I think most would tell you very few could do it.”
In this statement you suggest that because a black solider is sent into an neighborhood that he or she could be from that the possibility of killing innocent black would deter him from doing his job, then yes it would be a difficult decision to make but again let me point out that many black police officers are put into neighborhoods that they come from and are faced everyday with other blacks possibily point a gun in their direction. Many people black or white don’t make the distinction between the uniform and the person waring the uniform. If that black solider is shot at he is put in a position to defent him self be the person an innocent bistander or not. People by and large see the uniform first and if the so chose to see the person waring it, that may or may not make any difference to them at all.
”IN SUMMARY, because of slavery and the atrocious treatment of blacks in the past (and currently) by whites I believe there are ongoing deep feelings of anger, mistrust and hatred by many (I say most) blacks in America today. I also know for a fact thet there is mistrust and fear of blacks by many (I say most) whites and there are many radical aryan groups that will give up their lives to see that a non-white does not become president.
I think this bomb has been set and is just in need of someone to light the match. An assassination of Obama is just what could do that.”
I can not argue this point with you as you speak the truth of the situation here and there is nothing to be done about what people will and will not chose to do on this subject. Sad as that may be it is a fact of life. Unfortunately as in the majority of the history of blacks, someone will lose their life in order for the black community to be able to take yet another step forward.
As history has shown us resistance to change often leads to blood shed. Fear of the unknown and the future to come can dirve people to do some of the most haneious things imaginable. Though these things may come to pass the fact remains that if no one ever steps forward and sacrifices them selves for change then change will never happen. The brave ones among us will always be willing to put them selves in the sights of danger, knowing the possibility of the loss of their life is more than evident yet they stand to be sure that everyone knows the scarifice of a free nation.
As I’m sure you’ve heard befor Freedome is never Free. It comes at the highest cost of all the life blood of a country. To live in fear is no life at all and to have no right to move forward to accomplish all the God given gifts that are promissed to all of us in the Consitution of the United States of America is worth the spilling of precious blood to make sure that we all have that same opportunity to live free.
Without self sacrifice as awful as it is there would be nothing to fight for and this great country of ours would be like all the others. People come to this wonderful land of ours for the chance to live life as they think it should be not by what someone dictates it should be. That my friend is worth the sacrifice that people like Obama, John F. Kennidy, Dr. Martin Luther King and countless others have sacrificed them selves for.
I thank you for the rather interesting debate, this if nothing else will give those who have the opportunity to read it reason to stop and think of what the possibilities of the future with a black president may hold not only for black but for all of us who reside in the USA. Keeping open minded debate such as this is a healthy way to express what is on peoples minds and gives them a forum in wich to discuess it.
I would argue one point you made:
"On this point again I must say that with the population of blacks in the US only amounting to around 15% in your original post you speak as if the prison system is cramed full of almost nothing more than black and that is as I am sure you know a mistatement. But I will give you this that in many prisons there is a large black population. I have not done a study nor do I intend to do one in the near future on prison populations but should the subject become more interesting to me then I will look into it."
The population of blacks in the US is around 15% but the population in US prisons is about 43% black, 34% white, 18% hispanic, and 2% other.
Here is a link to explain prison populations if interested:
I really find this funny. Yet another person has failed to see what I was writing about and focused on perceptions they felt were important in this particular post. Of course this is why I wrote the follow-up post going into even greater detail about what I was trying to convey.
To start with, how am I holding anyone back from anything? Please do tell me where I have done this.
Perhaps you failed to notice, but in the post I highlighted several positive accomplishments of my fictional President Obama character. I mentioned how he had been a President of high regard and better than many than most currently have been alive to experience. Maybe you should have spent some time re-reading the post to notice that.
I also wrote the post not as a negative, but as a positive. If I was too subtle for your ability to understand, I wrote an entire post explaining it as I mentioned above. Obviously you didn’t bother to read that, though it seems you have read other posts I have written.
And what makes you think I don’t support “my own people”? Do you know me? Do you go over my business accounts and checks? Why do you discount my efforts for voter registration, my multiple posts detailing the Presidential candidates and their impact especially to African Americans and Hispanic/Latinos? Have you missed all my posts calling for better education standards, and the end of major media manipulation of the images of African Americans and Hispanic/Latinos?
If you read my multiple posts from the last couple of years, on a huge range of issues, you may notice that I speak to Blacks, Hispanic/Latinos, minorities, the poor, the uneducated, the educated, the rich, Whites, the media, the entertainment industry, investors and more. So where do I miss speaking to “my people”?
By the way, I am an individual as are all my readers. I do not accept the notion that all African Americans are simply X. That’s a stereotype, little different than the category entertainment would like to typecast – as thugs, criminals, and drug dealers. There are many Blacks that are lawyers, doctors, politicians, and yes even Republican. Does that make me any less of a Black Puerto Rican? If you think so, that’s your problem. But when I meet clients or travel the world, they have no problem making the connection and I have no problem stating I am a Black Puerto Rican.
I should ask, since you seem to want to limit me to a specific classification, were you part of those that felt that Senator Obama was too Black, or not Black enough because he is educated, a lawyer, of mixed parentage, and speaks proper English? Like Senator Obama I am not the stereotype – I am educated, write and speak properly, work in executive positions, am politically aware, of a mixed parents (Puerto Rican and African American), and survived to adulthood. So are you saying this makes me too Black, or not Black enough for your apparently arbitrary standards?
By the way, I believe that anyone that votes for a potential elected official solely on the basis of their race, religion, or gender has sold their vote cheaply and foolishly.
I will end with this. I have no doubt I could learn much from Senator Obama, and every other elected official in America. I don’t presume some are better to learn from than others. But I know you could learn from me. Perhaps if you would spend more time reading, and not glancing at, what I have written you would have a better understanding of me.
Now I ask you, of all the things I have written about, experienced, and accomplished in my life – what is it that makes you believe that I am a person of profound mental retardation? Besides the fact that I am not what you personally prefer, which would be your prejudice against me. Really I would like to know.
Hey privatemax, you forgot the part when a big spaceship comes down and settles it.
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