Message to Code Pink and Berkley - 2.4.2008.1
I have tried for days to be calm. I’ve tried to accept the fact that freedom of speech allows people to be stupid and vile. And yet I am still upset.
The reason for my anger is simple. In California, the city of Berkley believes that the very U.S. Marines that ensure their right to freedom of speech and the right to assemble, among other rights, are “unwelcome invaders.” The insanity of such a statement escapes me.
How dare they. What do they think is going on? They insult America with such comments and actions. And trust that this has taken me 4 days to write this in a non-verbally abusive form.
I’m tired of hearing the crap that says “I support the troops, but I don’t support the war.” It’s bull****. Simply put you cannot support the troops while attacking what they are doing. You cannot attack the Commander-and-Chief and not think it affects the troops. You cannot attack our servicemen and not think it is a blow to the freedoms that they ensure.
Code Pink should be arrested. They insult the very servicemen and women they supposedly wish to help. They abuse the rights that those in the military bleed to provide them. And if they are so angry, I suggest they give up their American citizenship and go to whatever country they think is better than America.
The City of Berkley and San Francisco can go and join them too. They feel that our military is an invasion force. They believe that our military is evil. They would spit upon our soldiers and the sacrifices they make for us all. Such people can kiss my A**.
These are the same people that spit upon our soldiers returning from Viet Nam. They were the ones that could not appreciate the sacrifices made then or now. They insult America, and every American. They can take Hanoi Jane Fonda and leave the nation. Maybe they can kiss Osama Bin Laden’s a** before he cuts off their heads.
These people forget that there are nations that want them dead, for no reason beyond the fact they live in the most free nation in the world. They forget that were it not for the Marines and our other servicemen and women they could not speak in public. That there are nations that would have all the women covered head to toe and pink is not an option. That in other nation’s women cannot speak, and insulting the nation results in death.
I feel these people are un-American. They despise our nation, and their hate is palpable. I would personally go into debt to pay for each and every one of them to leave this nation and never return.
There are many things I would like to say. Many points I’d like to make. But none can be said beyond my anger. Even 4 days later.
America may not be perfect, and the public should voice their concerns. It is our right and God bless us for that. But there is a line where respect and understanding lie. Code Pink,, San Francisco and Berkley have all crossed that line. They are hypocrites and morally corrupt in my opinion. I have no respect for them or what they are doing.
Berkley and San Francisco should have all their Federal funding revoked. No federal support should be given to them, no matter the natural disaster or economic downturn. IF they do not wish to be part of the nation, my money should not support them in any manner. If any of them worked for me, I’d fire them. I’m happy to say none of my work or clients involve either city or group. Nor would I ever knowingly accept anything from them. Were it possible I would not even allow my blogs to appear in those cities.
I spit upon Code Pink,, San Francisco and Berkley. They hate Marines, and thus me, my father and millions over the centuries that Marines have existed.
They can all go to Hell.
Labels: Berkley, Code Pink, Hanoi Jane,, San Francisco

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