Anonymous questions Michael Vass - 3.29.2008.1
This is a reply to a comment found initially under Duane Dog Chapman, reposted to Rev. Manning - sad, vile, and trying to influence your vote - 3.28.2008.1, and commented on there. But as the latest comments seemed to completely diverge from the point of both posts I felt it deserved a post of it’s own.
I will quote from the latest commentary and then reply. Please go to the Rev Manning post to see the original comment.
“the reason I posted that article and link in the site, is because that I never knew either of these blogs existed and why would I?”
Well Anonymous, I will correct one thing. It seems that you commented under my Duane Dog Chapman post because you were unaware of the political blog. Fine.
Though I would have imagined that you would have noticed some of my references to VASS, and the links to it. Since you did not, I take the blame for that and will correct it. While many have found each blog from the other blog if you could not, others may not as well. And I will thank you for highlighting that.
“well, I posted the racial lineage of Obama which you call an attack? why is reminding you that Obama has only one grandparent that is African an attack?”
As for your comment being an attack – yes I do feel it was. You brought up a fact – that was unverified - that was not significant or relevant for the purpose, seemingly, to denigrate and/or weaken the opportunity and status of Senator Obama. Politically I do not agree with many of the proposals of Senator Obama, but I do not agree with attempts to dissuade vote from him on a basis of race.
His heritage is not a factor of his choosing nor of his ability to affect. His ancestry is whatever it is, and I have no problem calling him Black and/or the first Black President were he elected. I have no problem, nor do I believe it has any relevance, with his heritage and how it could affect his ability to lead America.
And I ask, why is mentioning Senator Obama’s lineage important in deciding his worth as a Presidential candidate? What benefit does this fact, which you provided no factual or credible link to, create or deny? And if it is important, I ask then what are the grandparents of Senator McCain and Senator Clinton?
As for why you would know of my blogs? Well obviously you found it. And you were looking for something that dealt with some aspect of Fox News that had reference to what I wrote about at Black Entertainment USA. You obviously read through at least one post, so I gained you attention. And you could easily have contacted me for questions or checked other posts as both are clearly posted.
But I would hope you found my blogs because I have insightful commentary on a range of issues, some you may agree with, and others you won’t. I would imagine that is why tens of thousands from over 100 countries read my blogs every month.
“and your 'black' this and 'black' that how would and do you react to and orginization that called itself White? why do you perpetuate the need to keep defining yourself by the color of your skin?”
As to dealing with organizations that were defined as “White XX”. I deal with it as every African American does. The more important fact you do not realize is that most organizations in America are de facto White XX. Look at movies and television. Look at most corporations. And so on. America is designed to emphasize the Whites in this society and minimize all other races. Being a minority in America is to deal with “White organizations” every day in almost every facet. To be aware of that and acknowledge it is just stating the obvious. But if you are not a person of color then I take it that this is just a given of life and not as obvious.
I do not perpetuate nor need to be defined as a Black Puerto Rican. I am a Man, and an American. But it would be foolish and a lie to say that American society, and some individuals, react to me in such a manner. Far too often I am seen first as a Black man, and in that visage all the baggage that is claimed under that title. I am often not treated equally or fairly solely on the basis of my skin. I have noted many occasions of this through the blogs. This is not done to separate myself, but to give others that never have these experiences a window into the world that does not affect or happen to them. And I am not unique in this point. Every African American I have ever known, without regard of color, education, sex, or location has had similar events and reactions.
Why does the media feel the need to perpetuate negative images of Black Americans? Why does the entertainment industry feel a need to ignore the existence of minorities in America, and when they do address our existence it is to promote the worst aspects of our cultures? Rap was a positive music genre that the music industry refused to acknowledge or support until the emergence of a then sub-genre ‘gangsta rap’. But the industry flooded the airwaves with that type of rap and suddenly proclaimed that rap was no longer a fad. Odd how it took more than a decade and the promotion of the worst aspects of a community to suddenly be accepted.
“I must say that I find anonymous posts that are placed out of context as a comment on a completely separate post as cowardly. This one went to a completely separate blog, which I own, to make the comment. I suppose the thought was I wouldn’t notice. Surprise, I notice everything on my sites.
do something about your paranoia and shoulder chip..splinters in your head must be uncomfortable” [italics and bold as per the writer]
LOL. As for the chip on my shoulder, the splinters in my head, and my supposed paranoia – I just have to catch my breath from laughing. Yes I am very confident in what I write and say. I have a passion for what I believe and will defend my positions strongly. I am authoritative and I do not fear dissenting opinions. And there is nothing wrong with that.
Any person that writes a blog, especially on as topical a group of subjects as frequently as I do, should be both thick-skinned and confident. I believe that all writing presented to the public must be passionate and from the heart. Because there will be those that disagree, sometimes equally as passionately.
Debating issues that affect America is a positive. But it is only beneficial when the writers believe in what they are saying. When they provide a benefit to the reader and allow them to gain a new insight or confirm their convictions. That is part of the reason that I place so many links to sources of information, quotes, and video clips. So that I provide my readers with facts that they can read and ultimately gain their own perspective from. I may not be right, but you need to prove it to me because I’m not going to just take someone’s word that I am wrong.
After 40 years and many experiences here and abroad, I’ve earned my confidence. I’ve owned businesses, been homeless, swept floors, lived through earthquakes riots and a coup attempt. I’ve gone to college, had numerous friends jailed or killed, avoided drugs, and lived across the nation. I’ve been a Marine, and buried my father. If after all that and more I was not confident, then I would agree something is wrong with me.
But if you do not agree with my comments about your comment I can’t help you. If you disagree or think that I am wrong in a post, give reasons and back them up with a factual source (if possible). If you think there is a relevant point that needs to be made about a post, make the comment and state it. But be aware that I may not agree, and I will give reasons why.
Whether you believe it or not, I value every opinion and comment I get. I really do. Either because I learn something new or I get to highlight why I believe what I have written. And because I do get comments and am read across the world I make a point of being as credible and passionate as possible. Though that does not make me everyone’s cup of tea, and I don’t want to be.
I write from a Black Puerto Rican Male viewpoint. As such some will not like what I have to say on some issues. But it is a viewpoint that is not readily available via the mainstream media. And there are points that I feel need to be expressed and some that need to be challenged.
Your comment about Senator Obama’s lineage has nothing to do with his abilities or his attempt to become President. It is based in a racial reasoning to cause voters to vote against him on a superficial and irrelevant reasoning, in my opinion. Thus the comment was moved to where I though it more appropriate, and my comments were made. I stand by both decisions. You have not given me reason to change that reasoning – with the exception noted at the beginning of this comment.
If you wish to defend your reasoning, please do. If you wish to discuss my “paranoia” go ahead, as long as you refrain from vulgar or personally demeaning language. I am confident in my views and thick-skinned enough to take a few hits, but I would hope you can share a new insight with my readers and I so we can learn something different. If not, I’m ok as well.
Labels: black americans, Black Entertainment USA, Duane Dog Chapman, Michael Vass, political bias, racial controversy, Rev. Manning, Senator Barack Obama

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