Clinton vs. Obama - is there a real difference?
So I was working on a couple of projects for clients and I was listening to a couple of pundits talk about the Democratic candidates. The specifics were that they were contrasting the positions of Senator Clinton and Senator Obama.
I wasn’t paying deep attention to the conversation, but after a bit I wondered why I didn’t notice hearing any real difference. Nothing really came to mind besides experience. And honestly neither has much experience. Unless you count Senator Clinton’s time as the wife of the President, which last I heard was not an elected position. I don’t count that, but I do count the time that Senator Obama spent as an elected Illinois State official.
So a while after the talking heads were off, I suddenly realized that I heard no substantive differences. And I thought about it for a few seconds, and realized that there are no differences. They are the same political position, the only difference being who you might believe can actually pull off the many promises each has made over the nomination process.
But my realization is not enough. I follow politics everyday, up to 20 hours a day. I don’t get distracted by mind melting crap like American Idol, so I actually recall and hear all the conversations the Presidential candidates have had. Most people neither have the time nor desire to do this.
To that end I decided to provide research on the subject. Looking at the voting records of both candidates I checked 16 categories (including Health, Abortion, Campaign Finance, Education, Gun Issues, Civil rights, Civil Liberties, Crime and more). Out of 152 votes over almost 3 years (2005 up to February 2008) there is a difference of only 9.9%. That’s 15 different votes in total. That’s 5 votes a year.
To me, that means they are exactly the same type of candidate, neither being more qualified nor providing a greater benefit than the other. No matter how the polispeak is spun, or what 30 second soundbites are used they both are planning to do the same exact thing to America.
Both Senators voted exactly the same on Abortion, Agriculture, Campaign Finance, Congressional Affairs, Crime, Environment, and Civil Liberties.
There were one or more vote differences on the following:
- Future Military Funding for Iraq Amendment (Vote to adopt a non-binding, amendment that expresses the Senate's will that future military operation funds be included in the regular budget proposal and not in an emergency supplemental appropriation bill.) – Obama voted NV (not voting), Clinton was Yea
Civil Rights: - Expressing Support for General Petraeus and All Members of the Armed Forces (Vote to pass an amendment to reaffirm support for all men and women of the United States Armed Forces, to strongly condemn any attacks on General David Petraeus and all members of the US Armed Forces and to specifically condemn’s advertisement about General David Petraeus.) – Clinton voted No, Obama voted NV. NEITHER would condemn the personal attack made by against our military! To me it’s the same vote.
- Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act (Vote to pass a bill that amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to implement certain recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.) – Clinton voted Yea, Obama voted NV
- REAL ID Funding (To make $300,000,000 available for grants to States to carry out the REAL ID Act of 2005.) – Clinton voted Yea, Obama voted NV
- Sense of the Senate on Guantanamo Bay Detainees (Vote to pass an amendment that expresses the sense of the Senate that the detainees at Guantanamo Bay should not be released into American society or transferred into detention facilities on American soil.) – Clinton voted Yea, Obama voted NV
Education: - Student Loan Lender Subsidy Cuts and Student Grants (Vote to pass a bill that makes changes to regulations and funding of federal student financial aid.) – Obama voted NV, Clinton voted Yea
Energy: - Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 (Vote to pass a bill that allows offshore oil and gas leasing in the 181 and 181 South areas within a year and plans to expand into the Eastern Planning, Central Planning and Western Planning areas at some future date.) – Clinton voted Yea, Obama voted No
- Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Vote to adopt a conference report that develops an energy policy that addresses tax incentives, conservation strategies, regulatory standards, research and development programs, energy efficiency, and alternative sources of energy.) – Obama voted Yea, Clinton voted No
Executive Branch: - Attorney General No Confidence Vote (Vote to invoke cloture on a joint resolution that that expresses a loss of confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.) – Obama voted NV, Clinton voted Yea
- Thomas B. Griffith, US Circuit Judge (Vote to confirm President George W. Bush's nomination of current Assistant to the President and General Counsel of Brigham Young University Thomas B. Griffith to be the new United States Circuit Court Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit.) – Clinton voted No, Obama voted Yea
- Richard A Griffin, US Circuit Judge (Vote to confirm President George W. Bush's nomination of current Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Richard A. Griffin to be the new United States Circuit Court Judge for the Sixth Circuit.) – Obama voted NV, Clinton voted Yea
Family and Children: - State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Reauthorization (Vote to pass a bill that reauthorizes and expands the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).) – Clinton voted Yea, Obama voted NV
Guns: - Firearm Confiscation Prohibition Amendment (Vote to pass an amendment prohibiting the use of any funds appropriated in the FY2007 Department of Homeland Security Act from being used to confiscate legal firearms during states of emergency or major disasters. (Sec. 540)) – Clinton voted No, Obama voted Yea
Health: - FDA Drug Import Certification Amendment (Vote to adopt an amendment that requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to certify the safety of imported prescription drugs.) – Clinton voted No, Obama voted NV
Now this is not to say there are no other differences between the 2. Nor am I saying this is good or bad. But I am giving you the chance to see what are the real differences between the candidates.
Polispeak is one thing, but actual performance of their elected positions is another. Check out the laws and their records. You decide if they match what they claim and what is important to you. You have the knowledge now. Use it.
Let me know what you think.
Labels: Abortion, Campaign Finance, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, education, Gun Issues,, Polispeak, Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, voting records

I never heard of so much tension over an election that will NOT bring anymore peace, security equality or love that this world really needs right now. Think about it. There have been so many elections over the past hundreds of years. So many election campaigns that we see and read about and they all have been about the same things...fixing mankind’s problems (i.e. wars, crimes, security, terrorism), better and fair laws, and making life easier (i.e. better healthcare, equality, education). The same 'ol promises/speeches over and over and over again! What makes people think that candidate A or B of political party A or B will have permanent real solutions and CAN actually live up to those promises that can satisfy EVERYONE of every race of every gender of every religion of every age of every class???
There is only ONE solution to mankind’s problems ( and not just talking about the US but the whole world too). I'm sure everyone is familiar with the Lords Prayers recorded at Matthew 6:9-15 where it says "9)Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10)Let your KINGDOM come. Let your will take place, as in heavens also upon earth....". Have you ever stopped and think about what "kingdom" Jesus was talking about in this prayer? Why we should pray for it and what it will do for mankind??? Well the Bible as it always does gives the answer to these questions. Daniel 2:44: "And in the days of those kings, the God of heavens will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms and it itself will stand to times indefinite!" As the scripture brought out, God has setup a kingdom in heaven that will soon rule mankind...the whole world. It tells us that God's Kingdom was to established "in the days of those kings" or while other kingdoms still existed. It also tells us the Kingdom will last forever and will not be conquered or replaced by another gov't and it will actually crush and put an end to all other kingdoms and forms of gov't. This will be the best type of gov't to live by and enjoy that we will ever see. So if God was here on a physical person who we can see, hear and touch what would his campaign be like? What topics will he discuss???
*Healthcare systems: "And no resident will say: 'I am sick.'" Isaiah 33:24, "He will actually swallow up death forever."- Isaiah 25:8, John 5:28,29;
*Housing: "And they will certainly build houses and have occupancy...they will not build and someone else have occupancy; they will not plant and someone else do the eating..." Isa 65:21-22
*Crime/Security/ War on Terror:" And my people must dwell in a peaceful abiding place and in residences of full confidence and in undisturbed resting-places" -Isaiah 32:18, "For evildoers themselves will be cut off...And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more...But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace." -Psalms 37:9-11,29.
*Wars/Political Unrest: "He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. The bow he breaks apart and does cut the spear in pieces." -Psalms 46:8-9, "And he will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples...Nation will NOT lift up sword against nation, neither will they LEARN war anymore."- Isaiah 2:4.
*Better & More Enjoyable life: "The eyes of the blind one will be opened and the ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped...the lame one will climb...the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness."- Isaiah 35:5-7.
So how can we be sure that these promises will come true? I mean, these candidates say they will end or offer some of these very same things, right? Well Number 23:19 spells it out clearly: "God is not a man that should tell lies." In fact, "its impossible for God to lie"-Hebrews 6:18. So in all reality, God's Kingdom has the best campaign there is and we will ever see. He can and will bring about change and peace. What has been proven so true over the years with the different presidents there have been in the US and in other countries is that man cannot direct his own step says Jeremiah 10:23 because every time they do , what happens??? Ecclesiastes 8:9 tells us that "man has dominated man to his injury" continuously (i.e. mankind tries to end wars by starting another).
So there's my vote!
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