Feelings on Multi-cultural classifications
jul 26 2005
On my mind is the thought that everyone these days wants to be a
When was the last time you heard of a Chinese-British? Swiss-Australian? Maybe a Japanese-Indian? You don’t. Not in any media I’m aware of, unless its from or describing Americans. When did it stop being important to just be American? Obviously it was important enough that whatever place or creed was not as important as coming to live and have families in America. So either respect that and be American, or leave.
As for those who are African-American... Unless you have just arrived from Nigeria or Chad or such, you and your family dates back 2-400 years here. That’s American. You have about as much to do with Africa as they do with America. Just as New York is neither Dutch nor English, neither are you African.
If you are one of those that define or allow yourself to BE defined as a color before a person then you are in my opinion, lost and/or confused. Look in a mirror. You are a person. Black is a color, and it is darker than any living being. I myself have a nice bronze color, but that is not WHAT I am. I have nothing to do with Africa nor Spain. I am American, and while from time to time I have to deal with others problems with color, it is not what defines me. That is not what people in business or life describe me with.

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