A good reason for social darwinism - 10.06.2006.1
I’ve heard some odd things over the years. I’ve probably seen even more. Yet I do not think I’ve heard anything quite as stupid as what this one mother did to her child. There was no direct physical violence, and I bet that the mother was sure she was doing nothing wrong. But this is a case where Social Darwinism would have been useful.
Basically the mother let her 18-month-old daughter take hits off of a bong. On more than one occasion. Yes, the mother gave the baby drugs. It seems this improved the baby’s appetite and calmed her down. Let me be clear on my thoughts, the woman should never have had children. She needs to have her child taken away, never be allowed to have children again and jailed.
On the point of jail, courts in Montana agreed with me and gave her a sentence of 5 years. Sadly this was more than the law allowed and it was later reduced; and that is a shame that this was the only penalty allowed by law. I presume that the state has taken the child. I can only hope there was no permanent damage, but that may well be unlikely. As for the mother, her defective genes should be excluded from the world gene pool. Preventing her from continuing to introduce her genes to the world is a benefit to mankind, in my opinion. I find her similar to the various fools that wind up killing themselves through acts of intense idiocy. Occasionally the television show Mythbusters deals with situations that reportedly happened with these types of individuals. A recent program detailed how a man killed himself via a lava lamp he placed on a stove.
My reaction may be extreme. Given. Any fool that would give a baby drugs, even one as debatably benign as marijuana, should not be allowed to have children. It’s a violation on multiple levels. I have no tolerance for an individual like this. No matter what an adult may do, I feel it’s a genetic imperative of the human race to protect children. I feel sad that there is no law in place to properly punish individuals of this nature. I feel worse that it would seem that a law dealing with this is needed.
I only hope that this woman never has another child. There are more than enough problems in the world, more than enough threats to children. This shouldn’t have to be another.
This is what I think, what do you think?

I agree about the mother. Just destroy that genetic addition from the gene pool.
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