Education for African Americans - 9.28.2006.4
This is the conclusion continued from part 3...
Even with all this one thing is clear to me. This cannot go on. Complaining about the current situation is not an action. To quote what some would call a silly character in a silly fantasy movie “Do or do not, there is no in-between.” [Yoda, Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back] Allowing things to remain status quo is a death sentence to the minds of the African American youth of this nation. Having compiled this information I am doing something in providing what I have gleaned. That is one part of why I write my posts. The next step is up to the masses.
Higher education is not just an idea for “rich kids” or “white people.” To think so is to delude ones self into a vortex of disappointment and suffering. Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools available to anyone on the planet. Knowledge has allowed me to travel and live in Russia, be a stockbroker, work in investor relations and become the owner of my corporation. I’m not rich, yet, but I can make it and it’s only possible because of what I have learned. Rich is a subjective term though. To live well is a richness, to experience life and cultures from across the globe is attaining richness. To be able to communicate the thoughts in one’s mind to another human being in any format is a form of richness.
Money is a tool to attain the greater riches that life provides, at least to me. Knowledge is a currency that cannot be sold but can be used, invested and profited from. Granting the youth of today and tomorrow the ability to have that currency in the same amount available to any other kid in America is an obligation. I’m not waiting to die to give my nephew an inheritance; I’m helping to give him a currency he will be able to use throughout his life. What are you doing?
This is what I think, what do you think?

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