Hugo Chavez and the United Nations - 9.25.2006.1
Having had the chance to reflect on the various speeches made at the UN and afterwards I find that the UN is worth less and less to the United States. It’s not that the United Nations is a drain on the economy, nor that in hosting it in New York we create a base for espionage against our nation. These may or may not be true. What is troubling is the fact that since we are the only empire in the world, and we are stronger than any other nation in virtually any criteria, the UN provides a means for those jealous of our nation to collaborate and work against us in a unified manner.
I dislike how some leaders use the United Nations as a platform to make personal attacks on our leaders, and our way of life. While that may be their beliefs, this is not the forum for such comments. I doubt that these same leaders would allow our President to go to their country, appear on their news, and insult their leaders and government openly. Some of these countries don’t even allow newspapers with non-governmental views. Yet they feel that attacking this nation is obligatory. Some even use this opportunity to create further propaganda for themselves, effectively ‘beating their chest’ for their homeland coverage.
President Chavez is a good example of what I mean. Crass enough to call our President the devil, to claim that he leaves a trail of sulfur, and to make no substantive comments throughout his speech. That is a waste of time, and a poor attempt at ego boosting. If president Chavez hates our President so much, and there fore the policies and lifestyle of the American people that the President represents, then why does he allow his nation to sell us oil? Why is it that 1/3 of the GDP of his nation comes from the barrels of oil sold to America. I guess the sulfur doesn’t stick to U.S. dollars. I guess the devil isn’t such a bad guy when he provides food and clothing for your people.
President Chavez would like us to forget that the President is America. I for one do not fail to see the connection. That does not mean our President is perfect, nor an exact representation of all the people. It does not mean we cannot criticize his actions. But it does mean that in terms of interactions between nations around the world, he is all of us. To attack him is to attack you or me. To call the President a devil is to say that to me. And then to go to Harlem, to try to hustle me with the offer of slightly cheaper gas is an insult.
The offer is what I liken to someone spitting on a steak and then trying to sell it to you at a discount. Does president Chavez think us so clueless? If we were to boycott his oil for 1 month, I bet that would change his tune. I bet if he had no US oil sales for a year he wouldn’t be president. Especially since we don’t need to buy the oil from his county. It would not affect our lives, it does theirs. So if president Chavez would like to see evil, when his nation loses 1/3 of its income, and people starve, and when we don’t help out sending food to his nation, or any aid, and we ask to get all the money we are owed back instead of refinancing and pushing the debt to the future or forgiving past due portions, I think then he will get a bit of the idea.
But the UN is a platform for people of this nature. And to hear people rally to this view point is insulting. Especially since when there are ethnic cleansings in a nation, or a famine, or civil wars among warlords, or a natural disaster the UN is the place they all go to ask us for help. The UN relies on our funding, and troops, and backing for anything to happen. Yet we get insulted and put upon. Many of the non-aligned nations could not exist without the intervention and support of the US, via the UN. They need to take a look at where their food comes from, where their banks are supported by, where the technology has originated at. We don’t need fair weather friends, but the UN is filled with them. And as I said in the beginning, I see less reason why we need to be involved in it.
This is what I think, what do you think?

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