Which woman for president?
As the elections of 2006 approach a lot of thought is going to the presidential election in 2008. Democrats are lining up and preparing to test the waters on their chances and several prominent Republicans are being asked their thoughts. In this large group of potential candidates are a couple of interesting names. On the Democrat side there is the ever present talk of Senator Hilary Clinton, Republicans are wondering about Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.
I’ve spoken about Sen. Clinton several times [Vass thoughts on Senator Clinton, Commenting on Sen. Hillary Clinton's Dr. Martin Luther King Day speech] in the past. There is no question that she is planning to pursue her re-election, and will likely win it. It is also no secret that her actions have been edging her way towards running for the nomination and presidency in 2008. Recent comments by the senator indicate that she has interest and is feeling for public thought on a female president. In the mean time Sen. Clinton has kept her name in the public eye, though some issues have been quite contradictory.
I don’t care if a qualified woman or man is president. I do care if someone who is driven by what seems a hunger for power is. I would expect any potential president to be strong in their convictions, clear on their position on issues and a capable negotiator. Obviously there have been many presidents that fail on several of these items. Sadly it is often a choice of whomever comes closer to the mark. But blind ambition is never a positive feature.
I distrust any person who’s desire for power causes a ‘say anything’ attitude. While most who maintain such a flip-flop attitude are cut in the nomination race some perservere. I cannot see the most powerful position in the world held by anyone who would blatantly manipulate their words to achieve their goals. Anyone who is that obsessed is dangerous. In the past it was harder to have such people in power. Today soundbites, television exposure, public opinion polls, looks and gender are all used to court specific groups and gain mathematical advantages. Theoretically, by courting a couple of specific groups – like women that are the majority of the population – individuals can be elected that are inferior and detrimental to this nations continue existence.
On the other side is Secretary of State Rice. Ms. Rice is in a position similar to that of Mr. Colin Powell in the past. Intelligent and respected world-wide, in a position of power within the current administration and the fact that they are African American is a positive to many Republicans and others. Yet Secretary Rice continues to downplay and outright deny a potential run.
Secretary Rice is not without flaws, being part of the administration that right or wrongly involved America in the war in Iraq. Also Secretary Rice seems to prefer the thought of being head of the NFL as opposed to America. Why anyone would chose that is up for speculation. What isn’t speculation, to my best knowledge, is that Secretary Rice does match my key concerns for a potential president.
So consider this. If America is ready for a female president (short lived television shows aside) which type of person seems more appropriate.
This is what I think, what do you think?

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