Israel - Hezbollah conflict part 1
I’ve been thinking for several days about the current fighting between Israel and Hezbollah. I’ve considered not saying something for various reasons, that range from being called sympathetic to one side or another to being told (possibly correctly to a degree) that I have no idea of what I am speaking about. Having weighed these thoughts and the possible outcomes I think that I must make comment. I feel there is something to be said, from an outside view.
I feel neither side is correct. Both have committed atrocities, inflicting harm to civilians both by accident and intentionally. Both are driven by causes that are fundamental to their way of life, and flawed in its base assumptions. Neither will be able to achieve their ultimate goals, no matter what the final outcome. The vortex created by this current conflict has intentionally involved outside nations and groups, and continues to do so. All outside groups are picking sides without having any direct involvement and knowledge.
To understand this current conflict in any way I think a step back must be taken. The origin of these problems starts with the creation of Israel. [Some would claim that the conflict started with David and Ishmael, sons of Abraham – if I recall correctly – but that is a religious question that I will not address] Some 60 years ago the UN gave land to displaced Jews. The lands also contained Palestinians, who were also displaced, but not a defined nation at the time. The neighboring nations, predominantly Arab and Muslim, were incensed by this action which in part led to the 6-day war and other conflicts. As Israel has grown, perceived and actual persecution to the Palestinian people within its borders has grown. None of the nations surrounding Israel have forgotten the losses in various wars and battles. Many nations and groups have taken the side of the Palestinians as time passed as well.
Hezbollah was created somewhere around 1982-85. It is a recognized political group (by several nations including Lebanon where it is part of the government) and has military wings. It promotes several humanitarian initiatives, including schools, hospitals, and women’s rights. It generates roughly $100 million a year. It also receives, allegedly $100 million in funds from Iran. Its manifesto is directly linked to Iran and is believed to be in contact with Iran on many of its actions. Thousands of its missiles are believed to come from Iran, and its troops (estimated around 5-15,000) are highly trained. Links to Hamas are believed to exist as well.
Israel is a democratic nation, which allows virtually any individual of Jewish faith citizenship though others are also citizens. The state was created by UN mandate in 1948. There are currently 7 million citizens. Military service is compulsory at 18, for roughly 3 years, and all men are considered reservists until ~40. There are 24 nations that do not allow travel with an Israeli passport or stamp in a passport. Roughly half the debt of Israel is owed to the United States (mostly to individuals), who is an ally of the state politically. GDP is ranked at 42nd in the world with 8% unemployment and average monthly income of about $1600 dollars. The military is considered one of the best in the world, and best funded.
Continued in part 2

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