Immigration and student aid for college
Well a lot is being said about immigration as the next voting cycle approaches. Various senators and representatives are on both sides of this issue. Fear is also high as a factor dealing with the question of what to do. Amnesty, walls, and other compromises are being stated as races move forward.
As I have mentioned before [in post So what about Canada?] all the questions are firmly focused on Mexico and Hispanics with no mention of Canada. I can only assume that the reason is that Hispanics are darker skinned and more easily identified than any other illegal immigrants in this nation. If that is the case it is very sad. The youth of the nation should take note. If this is the reason of the focus, which I think it is or at least the major part, then it is just a very visible expression of racism in this nation. While the youth may deny or not notice racism it still exists. This is just one form of it.
I say it is racist because if we were to truly be concerned about our borders we would have more action to the north. Of course the size of our border with Canada makes it difficult at best to manage. Yet no thoughts of fences have ever been made to the north. Their are no ‘minute men’ or other watchdogs patrolling our larger open spaces in the north with our quiet neighbor.
That is not to say Canada is a hot bed of incursion, but the facts are that several terrorists [let’s face it a large part of the current impetus to restrict our southern border is due to the fear of terrorists entering the nation] have arrived from the north not the south. If we want to act on our fear we should do so in a fair and proportionate manner. Where the greatest threat has appeared the greatest safeguards should exist. That has not happened, and seems unlikely if it will anytime soon.
I am upset by illegal immigration as well. Not for the fear of terrorists infiltrating the nation with the illegals but for other reasons. [As comedian Mr. Carlos Mencia aptly put it, I paraphrase, ‘The Mexicans don’t want any terrorists screwing up their ability to cross the border. One terrorist get thru and does something and the next thing you know the military is on the whole border and nobody will be able to get over. They don’t want that. So if a possible terrorist is in the van he will be pointed out.’] I do not agree with anyone receiving medical treatment, or financial aid that is not a citizen. I pay taxes [and the IRS knows it] every year and with every purchase, to fund programs aimed at benefiting those less capable than myself. Regardless of my qualms on how much should be taken from me, or how much aid is needed by someone trying to better themselves, it is my strong feeling that that money be directed to other citizen who do pay taxes as well (whether those taxes are for purchases or IRS it doesn’t matter). It is not the responsibility of this nation to take care of those in our borders illegally.
Would I support emergency care that prevents imminent death? Yes. But if you have diabetes or high blood pressure, go back to your nation for medication. Do I think children should be able to get proper healthcare? Yes, if you are a citizen. Do I think that an illegal immigrant child deserves to pay in-state rates for state-run colleges? No, they are not citizens of the state or country. They pay out of state fees at best if not foreign student rates. They definitely do not deserve to receive student aid that is for citizens. My taxes are for the betterment of young citizens trying to improve their minds that in turn will help this country continue the quality of life that currently exists into the future.
I cannot fathom the argument that allows my money to benefit an illegal alien in gaining a higher education while denying that right to an African American, Hispanic or other citizen. What is the benefit to the nation? How does this improve America? How does this discourage more illegal aliens from bringing their children? Where does it stem the drain on my taxes.
America is not an open door to everyone. Our immigration policies need improvement, that is a given. We can do better, given. But for those that enter without permission we have no obligation. Nor do we have the need to improve their lives at the cost of our own children. There is only so much money that is available for various programs. Each dollar spent on an illegal alien is money taken from a citizen, and that is not what I pay taxes for. Especially when higher education is involved.
This is what I think, what do you think?
Labels: border crossing, Canada, Carlos Mencia, illegal aliens, illegal immigrant

i believe that your right i dont agree with a cuple of things you said but other then that i agree and i believe illegal immigrant who wish to become something better then what people tell them i believe that you need to give them a chance to prove themself worthy of it
Sad that you only think of skin color. It is you making assumptions.
The issue isnt skin color its quantity and stadard of living.
The quantity of Canadian immigrants in less that 5% of what cmoes from Mexico.
Mor eimportantly, the Mexican illegals come from a 3rd world environment and bring with them the lower standards of society and rules of a third world nation.
The canadian border crossers come from essentially an identical society and standar of living. They also come with a perfect command of english. If you have spent any time in Canada As I have, the lifestyle is exactly the same as the US.
You say skin color, and you expose where true racism lies, in those who think everything is due to skin color. This is economics and culture.
If you put 15 million 3rd world nation inhabitants, and the poorest of their nation nto a first world nation it will cause obvious problems.
If you put 750,000 1st world citizens into a cuture identical to the cuture they already know, it will go unnoticed.
You cries of racism, reek of racism in themself.
Sad that you only think of skin color. It is you making assumptions.
The issue isnt skin color its quantity and stadard of living.
The quantity of Canadian immigrants in less that 5% of what cmoes from Mexico.
Mor eimportantly, the Mexican illegals come from a 3rd world environment and bring with them the lower standards of society and rules of a third world nation.
The canadian border crossers come from essentially an identical society and standar of living. They also come with a perfect command of english. If you have spent any time in Canada As I have, the lifestyle is exactly the same as the US.
You say skin color, and you expose where true racism lies, in those who think everything is due to skin color. This is economics and culture.
If you put 15 million 3rd world nation inhabitants, and the poorest of their nation nto a first world nation it will cause obvious problems.
If you put 750,000 1st world citizens into a cuture identical to the cuture they already know, it will go unnoticed.
You cries of racism, reek of racism in themself.
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