Responding to a reader comment Part 2 - 4.23.2007.2
Continued from Part 1...
The post went on to complain about ANY illegal alien receiving any aid that is derived from taxes I pay. As I mentioned above, I wouldn’t give it to Mother Theresa if she entered the nation illegally I won’t do it for anyone else. No student, that is an illegal alien, deserves any of the privileges of education given to citizens. Student aid for college is a benefit for citizens and no one else. I don’t care if they have lived here virtually all their lives, or if they speak English better than I do. I don’t pay taxes for them, nor should money that some struggling inner city youth could use to improve their life be diverted to an illegal alien child. If it were up to me, I’d take those kids that are illegal (and their parents) and as soon as they apply for student aid I’d round them up and deport them.
I say again, “I cannot fathom the argument that allows my money to benefit an illegal alien in gaining a higher education while denying that right to an African American, Hispanic or other citizen. What is the benefit to the nation? How does this improve America? How does this discourage more illegal aliens from bringing their children? Where does it stem the drain on my taxes.”
Going back to your comments, Canada is similar but that does not mean the same. Many Canadians refuse to speak English and want French as the national language. While I cannot comment on the lifestyle of Canada as I have not been there I am unaware of it being the equal of the United States in terms of economy, technology, freedoms of speech or other rights. Similar yes, but lower standard all the same. In that sense they are somewhat equal to Mexico. As I have mentioned before America is more favorable to any nation that shares in a European ancestry, which is also reflected in color of skin.
Skin color is a major issue in America. It always has been. To try to deny that is to be blind to the obvious in my opinion. We see this every day, on television, movies, and the legal system. Riots based on inequality of treatment have occurred for centuries, one of the more recent and notable being the L.A. riots over the Rodney King trial decision. I’ve spoken about various aspects of America’s issue on color on this blog and . Again I say, this is not a question nor racist. It is a fact and the truth of that can be found in everyday life as well as my blog sites. [What Georgia House Speaker Richardson should apologize for - 3.9.2007.1, The uneven hand of justice - 3.3.2007.1, Imus, Rutgers basketball, and Rev. Al Sharpton - 4.9.2007.1, Do you see a media bias? - 3.20.2007.1]
As for your theory that 1st world citizens of the world are interchangable, it is a subtle fallicy. It does not take into account culture, language, potential religious conflicts and other aspects. It also fails to define what is a first world nation. According to some America is the only 1st world nation, every other nation being secondary. Others state it is a combination of economic size, military power and technology. That classification made the former Soviet Union a 1st world nation. China, Japan, Australia, South Africa and other nations may or maynot be considered 1st world. None of those cultures are identical to America’s. In fact American culture is considered very unique in most aspects. Perhaps only England meshes with the least friction, and that is probably due to the historical connection our nations share.
Continued in part 3...
Labels: Black Entertainment USA, Canada, illegal aliens, Rodney King trial

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