Facts are not as important as myths Part 2 - 11.7.2007.2
Continued from Facts are not as important as myths Part 1...
Then think of this. See how many news stories are followed up when the criminal is found to be a White person. See how quickly stories are dropped when a crime is horrendous or obviously racially motivated by Whites.
I offer these examples:
Megan Williams was tortured, raped multiple times by White males and females, stabbed, choked with a noose, had boiling water poured on her, and perhaps more. The story garnered less than 5 minutes of national news media attention to date (to my knowledge)
The Jena 6 case was on-going for months before the media bothered to mention 1 comment on the injustice there. The fact that nooses were used was ignored as being a hate crime – by definition – and the dozen or so cases of nooses being found around the nation got maybe 2 minutes of attention. The death threats from White supremacists against the 6 Black boys received another minute of attention
The case of the White teen being beaten by 6 Blacks received 1 ½ day of coverage until the exact moment that the police in Norfolk stated on national news that this was not a racially motivated case and that there was provocations made by the White teen. Not another second of the case has aired since.
The Duke Rape case was followed for over a year. From the first day media pundits and news anchors disputed the credibility of the victim. Every step of the case and prosecution was questioned, and every facet about the victim’s life and friends was reported promptly. In every reference to the White males the word innocent was used.
Every week since the OJ Simpson trial ended, a reference to OJ being a criminal and guilty of the murders he was found INNOCENT of (by a jury of his peers that included White jurors) has been made and continues to be made. Virtually every case that involves the murder of a woman, especially if an African American is involved or questioned, brought up references to OJ and claims of his guilt.
Prior to the Bobby Cutts case, a White male killed his wife and 3 kids. He was investigated and was arrested. His arrest occurred at the funeral for his family. He blamed, as I recall, his wife for the crime. The entire case got 1 hour of coverage, most of it occurring prior to the start of the Bobby Cutts case. I doubt most Americans can name the state where the murders occurred in, the family’s name, or the industry that the White male held.
Continued in part 3...
Labels: Bobby Cutts, Duke rape case, jena 6, Jessie Davis, Megan Williams, news media, oj simpson, racial controversy

You're comparing apples with oranges. OJ was a celebrity, and something was occurring at least on a weekly basis at Duke.
Jena 6? Today there is an arraignment, and the motions hearing is set for January. The next big hearing is on Nov 21, two weeks from now. Not a whole lot of news value in between.
Megan Williams: A march that barely got 300 participants is not going to get much news play. As for upcoming events, few have even been scheduled yet.
What is working against you here is the slow progress of cases through the court system.
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