Pros and Cons of the leading Democratic Presidential Candidates Part 3 - 11.29.2007.3
Concluded from Pros and Cons of the leading Democratic Presidential Candidates Part 2...
These are a few Pros and Cons of the various candidates that will be appearing on at the Heartland Presidential Forum that will be webcast live by TV One on Saturday.
- Previously ran for Vice President
- Former Senator
- Advocate of the poor
- Not the psychic of the same name
- Native Southerner
- Has good looks
- Wife has cancer
Anti-Iraq war (sort of – voted in favor of war) - Pro-abortion
Cons - Lost the election as Vice-President
- Long-time politician
- $400 haircuts
- Lawyer (firm made money on questionable circumstances)
- Wife has cancer
- Not know for a particular strong stance on any issue (except the poor)
- Pro-immediate withdrawal from Iraq
- Pro-abortion
- Anti-school vouchers
- A bit of a sensationalist
John Edwards
Hopefully this information will be helpful. By no means is this the definitive Pro and Con list. There are several issues I have excluded, and many of the items I have mentioned deserve greater scrutiny. But this is accurate and my opinion. I look forward to hearing yours.
Labels: election 2008, Heartland Presidential Forum, Iraq War, John Edwards, political debate, TV One

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