Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Is your vote part of Super Tuesday results? - 2.6.2008.1

**The I Love America That's Why I vote! campaign is not partisan. No matter who you choose, the important thing is to have your voice heard with your vote. Register today.**

The number of people that have come out to vote today has been remarkable among the Democrats. Not nearly so for Republicans, but the voice of America is being heard. And that voice is matching what my polls have long said, in one manner.

In my poll which has run from 2007 until today, there has been an overwhelming outcry for Senator Barack Obama [seen on Black Entertainment USA]. 51% of all votes have chosen Senator Obama, and the next closest choice lags far behind. Senator Clinton is the 2nd choice in my poll, but trails Senator Obama 2:1. In terms of the Republican candidates, Senator John McCain dominates all other challengers by more than 3:1. In comparing the top 3 no Presidential is more favored than Senator Obama.

And in Super Tuesday voting we saw that this is a trend in the nation. Out of the 21 states that voted today clear statements were made, though the issue of delegates is less so. 61% of the states voted in favor of Senator Obama, on the Democratic race. Looking at the voting percentages, 52% of the Democrats picked Senator Obama. If this were the actual Presidential Race, the news would now be that the popular vote was won by Obama. But that news would be singed by the fact that the delegate voting has gone to Clinton.

I think nothing would be more devastating to the nation than to have the public pick one candidate, and the electoral college deciding that someone else won. After the highly debated and problematic 2000 and 2004 elections clarity in the voice of America is needed. The only way I know that this can not be a factor is to have the voice of America, your voice, clearly stated. That means voting.

Register for the vote. Not because I am important, or you like my writing. Vote, not because I am successful or that I am asking you to. Vote because your life, and those of your loved ones will be directly affected by the outcome. Your vote could be the difference between how the war in Iraq is resolved, which direction taxes go, whether illegal aliens will gain or lose their position in America, and the quality of life of your children and grand-children. These are all things that only you will be able to affect, and you would do so via your Constitutional Right.

That Right is something that many in the world envy and die for. That Right is coveted by the candidates. And you hold that power. But it’s an impotent power if you don’t register and vote.

Here are the results, as of 2 am. If there is any result you disagree with, there is only one answer. Vote for someone and change the answers you see.

    Alabama Democratic Vote Republican Vote
    56% - Obama 41% - Huckabee
    42% - Clinton 37% - McCain

    Alaska 74% - Obama
    26% - Clinton

    Arizona 50 % - Clinton 47% - McCain
    41% - Obama 34% - Romney

    Arkansas 69% - Clinton 61% - Huckabee
    27% - Obama 20% - McCain

    California 54% - Clinton 44% - McCain
    34% - Obama 26% - Romney

    Colorado 67% - Obama 59% - Romney
    32% - Clinton 19% - McCain

    Connecticut 51% - Obama 52% - McCain
    47% - Clinton 33% - Romney

    Delaware 53% - Obama 45% - McCain
    42% - Clinton 33% - Romney

    Georgia 66% - Obama 34% - Huckabee
    31% - Clinton 32% - McCain

    Idaho 80% - Obama
    17% - Clinton

    Illinois 64% - Obama 47% - McCain
    33% - Clinton 25% - Romney

    Kansas 74% - Obama
    26% - Clinton

    Massachusetts 56% - Clinton 51% - Romney
    41% - Obama 41% - McCain

    Minnesota 67% - Obama 42% - Romney
    32% - Clinton 22% - McCain

    Missouri 49% - Obama
    48% - Clinton

    Montana 38% - Romney
    25% - Paul

    New Jersey 54% - Clinton 55% - McCain
    44% - Obama 28% - Romney

    New York 57% - Clinton 51% - McCain
    40% - Obama 26% - Romney

    North Dakota 61% - Obama 36% - Romeny
    37% - Clinton 23% - McCain

    Oklahoma 55% - Clinton
    31% - Obama

    Tennessee 54% - Clinton 34% - Huckabee
    41% - Obama 31% - McCain

    Utah 57% - Obama 90% - Romney
    39% - Clinton 5% - McCain

    West Virginia 52% - Huckabee
    47% - Romney

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