Results of the 2007 Presidential election poll - 2.12.2008.1
For those that might have noticed that my poll covering who you my readers believe should be President is down, it’s because I have replaced it with several other polls, including those found at the I love America That’s Why I Vote! campaign.
The final numbers of this poll were quite revealing. Running from 2007 until February 2008 the poll covered virtually ever major candidate in the Republican and Democratic Parties – with the exception of Fred Thompson and Ron Paul. The results are as follows:
Senator Barack Obama – 51%
Senator Hillary Clinton – 21%
Senator John McCain – 16%
Rudy Guiliani – 4%
Mitt Romney – 3%
Senator Joe Biden – 3%
John Edwards – 2%
Mike Huckabee – 1%
Representative Tom Tancredo – 1%
All others – 0%
I find it interesting that this poll consistently stated that Senator Obama lead all other candidates since the 3rd quarter of 2007, and doubled the votes of Senator Clinton from December 2007 on.
When I asked the sex of those who took the poll the results broke down as follows:
Total Men – 49%
Total Women – 51%
In terms of ages
18 – 35 were 42%
35 – 66+ were 58%
Now some might question if race was a factor in the results of the poll. I can state that while the poll did not ask the race of respondents, the general data for my blogs is that I have more African Americans viewing my blogs, but have no lack of readers of all races. Comparative to general internet averages I receive a standard average percentage of Whites and Hispanic/Latinos with a roughly 25% underweighting of Asians, and a 75% overweighting of African Americans.
Based on that I presume that the poll results, while skewed somewhat to the opinion of African Americans, is a fair approximation of the nation. Respondents were not asked about party affiliation, as I feel that is unimportant to who people would vote for.
If you are wondering about the other questions in the poll (which are non-political) the results can be seen below:
90% liked the look of the site to some degree
10% disliked it to some degree
93% found navigating through the sites somewhat to very easy
7% found navigation difficult
69% enjoyed my poetry section
31% did not
87% had visited the online store and found the products (t-shirts, mouse pads, mugs, sweatshirts, journals ect.) interesting at least
13% had visited the online store and found the products unappealing
I always enjoy hearing the comments of you my readers about the various aspects of the site. Even though the poll has changed it’s focus to target the up-coming election (if you have not registered yet you still can, just go to the I Love America That’s Why I Vote! campaign for National government registration information), you can still contact me about your thoughts on the look of the site and/or the products in the online store.
You can email me at
I look forward to your responses on the current polls, which I will announce periodically, and please remember to get out and let your voice be heard. Vote!
Labels: election 2008, M V Consulting, opinion poll, Presidential candidates, That's why I vote

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