My May Day message
It’s that time again. That once a year event that brings out thousands if not tens of thousands in protest and cries of change every year. Few cities in America are untouched and most require extra police officers to maintain the peace.
What is this grand and prominent event? May Day.
That is the time when illegal aliens, mostly from Mexico, gather to complain about the immigration laws and lack of privileges they receive in this nation. Oh, and a good number of bleeding hearts tend to join them.
Now I don’t know these people individually. I’m sure that many are great people and wonderful to know. I’m sure some are scholars and many are parts of fantastic families. And were it up to me, I’d round them all up and deport every single one of them.
The most important thought is that these are all criminals. The crime is that they have entered the nation without permission. They are undocumented because they lack passports, greencards, or any other document allowing them to be in this country. Thus they are already wrong.
The next problem I have is that they dare to complain. They expect benefits because they are here. As if an American would get benefits from Mexico or any other nation because they were an illegal alien there. Like I am obligated to do something for them because they entered our nation without permission.
It’s one thing that liberals and Democrats want to take American taxes and spend them on programs that benefit those that either chose not to provide for themselves, or through fate cannot. These Americans may be a drag on the system, but they are our people, and thus an argument can be made for us having a responsibility to them. No such argument can be made for illegal aliens.
If an illegal wishes to be in America because they can make more money here, and send it back to their country depleting the economy and failing to help our economy, that is their choice. That choice includes the risk of being caught and deported.
We have no obligation to provide medical care to these people, especially when children in this nation do not receive health care. My taxes don’t need to provide them with anything, when they could be going to taking care of a needy American child.
We have no obligation to their children. The fact that they drag them to this nation to draw on my emotions does not obligate me. Nor does it mean that I must pay for their child to have a better life than their parents have.
As I said, when they gather to have their rally I would have the police and INS surround them. Each should be checked for American ID or green cards. Everyone without it should then be set up for deportation. If they left anything, well it’s their own fault for drawing attention to themselves.
I don’t care what type of jobs they are doing. If they want to be here they can be quiet and happy that they are better off than in their own nation. They can always go back home. And if they have children that are born in America - thus citizens – we will take care of them within the system. They don’t get a free pass or an excuse because of the kids. The illegal parents get deported and the kids go in the system. If they don’t like it, they can all go back together.
I’m just tired of having so much money being spent, and dedicated, to people that have broken the law. I cannot understand the ultra-liberal bleeding hearts that would give away the nation to those that don’t respect our laws and would spit in our faces for not giving them more because they want it.
So it’s May Day. I’d rather it be Farewell day.
Labels: illegal aliens, illegal immigration, may day, undocumented workers

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