How pure and safe are your natural health products?
In Canada there is a new argument brewing that could lead to a change in the United States as well. The question is what to do about the various natural health products that are imported into the country. Some feel that these products should be tested in their version of the clinical trials drugs must undergo to receive FDA approval. Without this approval the natural products would be restricted from sale in Canada.
Some feel that
“Traditional medicine cannot be tested the same way as pharmaceuticals," explained Peter Wood, President of Traditional Chinese Medicine Association of B.C.
I disagree. I cannot see the problem in testing a product that, for example, cures headaches. The fact that it has been reputed to do that for over 1000 years does not mean it is perfectly safe for everyone. Does this item have the same effect on children? Or the elderly? What if you already have an ailment like cancer or diabetes?
The fact is that 1000 year old wives tales may hold a good deal of truth, but that does not mean that 1000 years ago they also had certain side effects or limitations that have since been forgotten in the telling. Thus there is a benefit in checking.
Another question that could be answered is the purity of the products. Maca may well be fantastic, but in the supplement you might take how much Maca is actually there? How much do you need to be effective? Do the other ingredients have negative effects, or detract from the benefit you hope to receive?
There is no clear answer to any of these questions today. Testing the natural products can give us these answers, and testing should be relatively fast since it’s already known that most people have not had deadly effects of any product. So I don’t understand the argument against Western-style testing.
In Canada the Bill is C-51, and I think it should pass. And if Canada can do this, so can America. But I’m only one voice, what are your thoughts?
Labels: Bill C-51, Canada, clinical trials, diabetes, FDA approval, headaches, Maca, natural health products, Peter Wood, Traditional Chinese Medicine Association

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