Senator Hillary Clinton at the DNC: what will she say?
Looking forward to Senator Hillary Clinton’s speech tonight I am wondering what will be said, just like every other pundit out there. My interest is based on a simple set of facts. Senator Clinton went a long way to damage the chances of Senator Obama winning, from his inexperience to his race. And these attacks are now the fuel of political ads from the Republicans and the Mc Cain campaign.
Senator Clinton set up this attack. In fact it is almost verbatim what she said in the Primaries. The McCain campaign can’t be blamed for using the words of the Democrats to benefit himself, whether it was Hillary or Joe Biden’s words.
So what Senator Clinton says tonight will be very interesting.
Either Senator Clinton will come out with a major flip flop, essentially saying that the Clinton campaign was willing to say and do anything to win – including making comments she felt were untrue – or she will use the well known Clinton polispeak spin to obfuscate and ignore everything she has said in the past.
The speech tonight must address the comments she has made about the lack of experience of Senator Obama, and why that is now not important as opposed to just a couple of months ago. Her speech must refute if not denounce the words of her husband, former-President Bill Clinton – and explain why he has refused to say that Senator Obama is ready for the Presidency, which he has claimed for every other Democrat that ran in the Primaries. Senator Clinton must also find a way to gap the chasm created in dividing the Democratic Party along lines of race and gender. The Clinton campaign was very effective at using race and gender, and caused a lasting question of stereotypical and racist fear in the minds of many in the nation; this must be addressed.
If the speech by Senator Clinton fails to address each of these issues, if she fails to close all these doors she opened, she will leave the Democratic Party divided in a manner not seen in decades. And if I were in Las Vegas I’d bet that she won’t do it.
My instincts, and my read on the polispeak of the Clinton’s during the Primaries and after them has given me the belief that neither Clinton is really willing to help Senator Obama. They will stand by him, raise money and say the words that need to be said. But they will also leave just a bit of doubt, leave him just a bit weak on critical issues. Because then it will not be said that they weren’t team players when the next Presidential election comes up.
To this point everything the Clinton campaign has done has been part of a plan to prepare for the 2012 election, in my opinion. We have been watching the beginnings of a new campaign and Primary run since the day Senator Obama took the presumptive nomination and Hillary Clinton refused to acknowledge it.
So my ultimate thought is that Senator Hillary Clinton will leave the door open for her supporters to try to steal the nomination for her. She will leave ajar the thought that her supporters should vote for Senator McCain or just not vote at all. She will keep her option alive to say “I told you I would have won”.
Tonight Senator Hillary Clinton will rally women, and racially sensitive Democrats. That is a given. Now whether she will polispeak and spin them closer to Senator Obama or not is a question that won’t be clear until after her last words are said.
Labels: Bill Clinton, Democratic National Convention, Polispeak, Senator Barack Obama, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator John McCain

The following is a comment made at, where I am a contributing author.
D I S E N G E N U O U S N E S S …
Everyone knows that Obama disrespected Bill Clinton …
playing the race card on him, and trying to tarnish his
record during the primaries … but, because of the
disingenuous DNC, and Obama, and their putting party
above country, and blackmailing the Clintons into
supporting Obama … using their debt and Hillary’s
future in politics as their leverage, the Clintons have
been strong armed into supporting Obama. Why should a
successful and respected two term President like
Bill Clinton have to stoop to the ambitions of the far
left DNC, and their upstart, empty suit candidate …
while Obama and the DNC disingenuously pretend that everybody has
kissed and made up??? Also, the PUMAS and other
Hillary supporters have had to endure the same
condescending disrespect from them as well. I say
the DNC and Obama made their bed, so let them lie
in it … they deserve nothing more.
It seems that you are aware of facts that are not evident in what has been documented to date. You assert that Senator Obama disrespected both Clinotn’s and used his race for a benefit. How you come to this conclusion baffles me.
It is well documented and reported that the Clinton campaign introduced race into the Democratic Primaries immediately after the Iowa results. It was Bill Clinton that made continuous remarks about race against Senator Obama. It was Hillary that used her gender as far back as November 2007 as a weapon against all the Democratic candidates.
You blame the DNC and Obama for putting their Party over America. How? It is the purpose of the DNC to pick a candidate, and the American system is rooted in each Party doing so. How is that above America.
You see blackmail, but no one covering this news sees this. Except fanatical supporters of Hillary Clinton. In fact it was the Clinton campaign that based their support on the condition that the Democratic Party pay them back the debt they incurred. If there is blackmail it would be the Clinton’s at fault, as has been reported.
Hillary’s future in politics is just like her past, filled with self-agrandizement and misinterpretation. She was the one that failed to live up to promises made to New York State, she is the one that “misspoke” about Bosnian snipers and her “role” in the Ireland peace talks. She is the one that claimed the accomplishments of Bill Clinton over several decades as her own. She in fact failed to act in behalf of unions and women while she was on the board of Wal-Mart. It is her own failures, and her refusal to release documents about what she did or did not do in the White House (until 2012 as reported) and her answers (like in the national debate on immigration where she answered for, against, and unsure in 2 minutes) that show her unbridled willingness to do anything to gain political power.
As for the DNC, it is actually above the former-President. It’s purpose is to represent all Democrats, which is more important that any single individual, President or not. You may find Bill to have be popular, but the DNC is not stuck in the past or mired with adoration. And the power of a future President is more than that of a past President. So it is the obligation of Bill Clinton to unify and support the DNC.
And if you think that Hillary is not on the far-left you have not looked at her voting record. You obviously have not heard her discuss what she planned her policies to be.
And speaking of far-left fanatics, the PUMA’s are willing to fracture the Democratic Party, and lose the election rather than accept the defeat their choice of candidate received. Some are even willing to vote Republican rather than accept a candidate from their own Party. That kind of unbending, uncompromising political stance is not the American election system. Of course they are ridiculed, they deserve it.
The DNC has made its choice. Just as in the Primaries Democrats chose Senator Obama. Such is American politics. So either you agree with the platform that Senator Obama stands on, which is virtually identical if not more liberal than those of Hillary Clinton, or you don’t. You can vote for Obama, McCain or let your voice go silent.
But considering the lies, polispeak, divisive actions, and willingness to do anything to win that Hillary displayed I’m glad she lost. And if she ever runs for ANY elected office again I will do what I have in the past; vote for anyone else and try hard to ensure she never gets a vote.
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