Democrats vs Gov. Sarah Palin - what are they thinking?
I’m just looking back over some of the political comments in the last 2 weeks and it’s amazing how much the selection of Gov. Sarah Palin has affected the Democratic Party. You would think someone hit them all with a taser. They are acting like a chicken without a head.
I mean there is the comment by South Carolina Democratic Party Chairwoman Carol Fowler. Now I imagine Chairwoman Fowler is no fool, having achieved her position because she is intelligent and capable. Yrt she presents none of these qualitiues when she said Sen. John McCain chose a running mate
"whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn't had an abortion."
If that is eloquent or insightful I can’t imagine how. And the Democratic response to the obvious outrage was less than inspiring as well. First they noted that this was an independent statement not made on behalf of Senator Obama. Then Chairwoman Fowler apologized with
“I personally admire and respect the difficult choices that women make every day, and I apologize to anyone who finds my comment offensive. I clumsily was making a point about people in South Carolina who may vote based on a single issue.”
If the comment was merely clumsy, then this half-hearted apology must be off-balanced. Because it’s obvious that Fowler does not respect a woman that chose to give birth to a baby that is less than perfect, or that has risen through the political jungle to become a Govenor of a State. Perhaps it’s because Gov. Palin is a mother of 5 that does not believe what Fowler believes, seemingly a sin among many Democrats.
But let’s not think that only women in the Democratic Party are off-kilter when it comes to Palin, or Senator Obama for that matter. Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen was more than ready to jump off the deep end with his comment.
“Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus, who our minister prayed about. Pontius Pilate was a governor.”
What is that supposed to mean? I respect Senator Obama, though I disagree with his ideals, but you really need to explain to me how he is God-like any more than any other human being. I mean Gandhi could be compared to Jesus in some ways, Mother Theresa could have been compared to Mary as well but Obama? Beyond being a great speaker in front of large crowds what else is there?
And to compare Palin to Pilate makes no sense. I mean her name starts with a “p” and beyond that I don’t get it. Does that mean that America is the Roman Empire, since that was the government Pilate worked in? Would Rep. Cohen agree with that? Following that analogy would Senator Biden be Judas since he has publicly denied Obama’s ability to lead the nation and no works for Obama? Would Senator Clinton be Doubting Thomas? Would the Clinton Democrats be the crowd that condemns Jesus to crucifixion?
If we are going to follow the analogy then let’s follow the whole thing. And I doubt any Democrat would be happy with those comments. But where is the Democratic Party denouncing this? So perhaps they do agree and thus they must agree with its further conclusions as well.
Honestly, since Gov. Palin has been named the Vice Presidential candidate of Senator John McCain the Democrats have been abluster. They are failing to stay on the important issues facing America. They are failing to show how their divided Party is better or how the deep divisions in their Executive candidates are a better remedy to the nations problems than the cohesive Republican candidates.
All political candidates are flawed, and they all are human. To address their failures and mistakes is fair game. But to raise any candidate up to ridiculous comparisons to religious figures, to ignore serious political factors which are the basis of why they are running is beyond stupid.
We are electing a President, not seeking to create a new religion. We are seeking to vote for a political Administration, not a best friend or exact mirror of ourselves. Perhaps if Chairwoman Fowler and Rep. Cohen can remember these simple things they can help Senator Obama. Yet I have to question what they think an Obama Administration would really bring the nation.
Labels: Carol Fowler, Democratic Party, election coverage, Gov. Sarah Palin, Rep. Steve Cohen, Senator Barack Obama, South Carolina, Tennessee

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