Governor Sarah Palin, Republican Vice Presidential candidate at the RNC and my thoughts
Over the last couple of days I was as curious as anyone about Governor Sarah Palin. I knew nothing of her, and I searched the internet and Youtube to find all I could about her. I have presented all that information previously, as accurately and quickly as one man can.
So yesterday I was upset that I would not be able to listen to the speech live, at home where I could take notes or write my comments. Instead I had to honor obligations I had previously made, and make preparations for my home and business. But I also had the chance to speak with several regular people about the Presidential election.
We discussed Senator McCain, and Senator Obama. We discussed the polispeak, promises and problems of each candidate. And we went over at length everything we knew about Gov. Palin, and what the major media was presenting about her.
Before I provide you her speech I want to recall that the main thing everyone, including the media was doing was comparing Gov. Palin to Senator Obama. It was at that moment that I understood something clearly.
If Gov. Palin made a solid speech, and if she can only be able to hold her own against Senator Biden, the Democratic candidates would not only lose but do so by 20 pts or more.
When a Vice Presidential candidate is drawing comparison, serious comparison, to a Presidential candidate the race is over. There has been no comparison of Biden to McCain. There won’t be. But Palin is compared to Obama, and earlier today she was winning. Even as the media was asking questions no male candidate has ever been asked (nor to most female politicians either). Even as the media and some cruel bloggers attacked the minor daughter of the Governor – making comparisons between that child and the grown wife of Obama who spoke on the campaign trail, and comparison to the grown daughter of Hillary Clinton who also was on the campaign trail.
Those were the thoughts I had in mind as I sat up tonight, listening to the replay of the speech by Governor Sarah Palin in full, ending at 3am and then writing this post.
With that said I know present you with the speech, and I ask you this. Can you have any doubt why she was picked for Vice President? Can you believe in a vote for McCain – Palin?
I’ll give my answer below, and invite you to tell me your thoughts as well.
As I’ve said long ago I am a Black Puerto Rican Republican. But more than that I am an American. And I am proud to have been a supporter of Senator John McCain. And having heard this speech I can say that I understand why Governor Sarah Palin was picked for Vice President. I am proud to say that I believe in the McCain – Palin ticket.
I, as President of M V Consulting, Inc and only for myself and my corporation, endorse and will vote for Senator McCain and Governor Sarah Palin as the next President and Vice President of America.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Labels: Gov. Sarah Palin, Presidential election race 2008, Republican National Convention, RNC, Senator John McCain

This comment originates from Presidential Race Blog, where I am the author.
Dave Johnston,
Not only do I think McCain made the right choice, I think he played Obama like a fiddle. He kept his choice so close to his vest, even courting Liberman to make Obama think he needed Biden’s experience, knowing that Obama ‘had’ to pick his VP before he did and knowing he didn’t want Hilary. Obama fell into the trap and that is history. I too didn’t know Governor Palin but after hearing her speech, I love her. I too compare her wit to Will Rogers.
As I stated in the post, I support and endorse Senator McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin. The speech was the last step in what I was waiting for.
I agree that a choice of a woman hurt Senator Obama's chances. More important than that was the fact of which woman it was. I think Gov. Palin was excellent. Experience at running a state, a closer connection to the Average American than any other candidate, and an approval rating that Congress has not seen in virtually a decade.
Plus the choice of Senator Biden, who believes Senator Obama is unqualified and has multiple positions that directly oppose those of Obama, was just stupid in my opinion.
The debates will be the final nail in the coffin.
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