Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter - the only thing I have to say
I did not want to speak about this. Obama has said he does not find this an election issue. Biden has said it’s off limits. Yet the major news media is continuing to feed the flames on this issue. Sarah Palin’s child is not newsworthy.
The news was reported yesterday that Republican Vice Presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin’s 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant. It was also stated that she plans to marry the father of the child. How this is a Presidential campaign subject I don’t know.
The children of the Presidential candidates have long been off-limits to the press. Especially those that are considered minors. And there is a good reason for this, parenting is not an exact science and children make mistakes. Being a President or a candidate does not somehow instantly convey a better ability to raise children than any other American parent.
Now the Palin’s are not that unusual. Here in Binghamton they are the norm. And I would say that Binghamton is a very good reflection of middle America.
In Binghamton it is unusual to find a girl that makes it to 21 without a child. In this area it is normal for couples to marry in or just out of high school. And I would put the average at about 60% for girls in high school to have a child before graduating.
I’m not saying that this is positive, or wanted. I am saying that this is an occurrence that is happening across America. And parents have 2 choices; abandon the minor and let them fend for themselves, or stand by them and help them out. Governor Palin has chosen to stand by and support her child with this life changing event.
So what do some people expect? That Gov. Palin should abandon her child? That she should force her to not have the child or put it up for adoption? Why? To challenge or back up some political point of view that this voter or that prefers?
This is not political. It’s a family decision. This does not affect the economy, crude oil prices, corn ethanol production, inflation, unions, taxes, the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, or even national healthcare.
And for those that are Pro-life, Pro-choice, or for abortion it is not a factor either. This is the decision of 1 family, not law. If anyone wants to project their cause on this that is their doing, and wrong in my opinion. Just as Presidents should not be partisan (or at least radically so) and make decisions based on the best interest of the average American family – even if they disagree with them personally – this is no different.
I hope the major news media follows the calls from Senator John McCain, Senator Joe Biden,
“With regard to the stuff that you’re talking about, I have a simple proposition: children are off limits. Children are off limits. We’ve all been through things with our children, and it’s about common decency. Just treat people with common decency. That’s all I know that I can say.”
and Senator Barack Obama
“I think people's families are off limits and people's children are especially off limits.”
Obama also emphasised that his campaign was not in any way responsible for the spreading of any of the internet rumours surrounding Palin and her daughter.
"If I ever thought that there was somebody in my campaign that was involved in something like that, they'd be fired.”
in leaving this alone. Of the many issues that deserve to be discussed, this is beneath each Party.
Labels: Gov. Sarah Palin, Presidential election race 2008, Vice-Presidential candidates

The following is a comment from Presidential Race Blog where I am the author.
September 2, 2008 @ 3:31 pm
My concern with the VP canidate is that a woman becoming pregnant at 41 years of age has a1 in 100 chance of having a Down syndrome child. Given that she already had 4 healthy children her decision seems to be quite irresponsible.
This can be found at 1800blogger Where I am a contributing author.
Nunya Biznazz Says:
September 14th, 2008 at 2:48 am e
She already banished her daughter from her home when she found out the girl was pregnant. Now she is forcing her daughter to get married. That tells us everything we need to know.
Thank you for the example of baseless, ignorant, repugnant hate.
I have been following the Presidential election of 2008 since 2006. In that time I have heard insanely vicious and untrue claims by far-left liberals against Republicans (and Democratic candidates as well), and equally fictional and depraved statements by conservatives about Democrats (and other Republicans, though not as often). I have listened to nearly every speech, read nearly all comments, watched almost every debate and public announcement, and am aware of virtually every position of every person that has run for and is a candidate for the Presidency of the United States in the last couple of years.
Given that knowledge base, and the posts to support that, I can firmly say that your comment is the same kind of false garbage that was the emails claiming that Senator Obama was a Muslim terrorist.
As best as can be confirmed from every credible news agency, media outlet, and dozens of bloggers across the nation, the claims you make are outright lies. Not a single bit of the words you wrote are any more true than when rumors were spread of Obama having once been a drug dealer.
Obviously you are trying to promote an agenda that you hope to make reality via blatant propaganda and libelous action. Worst of all you are using my posts as a medium for your insanity. I am insulted.
I believe in freedom of speech, so I will allow your incredulous statement to appear. But I denounce in the strongest terms your complete comment.
The Presidential election is important, perhaps the most important in my 40 years of life. As such I encourage everyone to learn about all the candidates and to make up their own mind on how to vote. But that vote should be based on all available facts, not the fictional self-serving desires that are best written for readers of the Daily Kos. My readers across the world deserve better.
Nunya, and anyone that would promote lies and prejudice of any form, if all you can comment is insulting drivel please do not comment on my posts. I wish to hear from concerned, informed, intelligent readers – which I have every reason to believe are the overwhelming majority of my visitors.
It seems totally irresponsible of you to say that a grown, respected, capable woman should be held to the standards that you believe in. While some women, and men, might agree with your thoughts that is only an individual thought.
Gov. Palin and her family have every right to bring as many children as they can lovingly and responsibly care for into the world. You may not wish to have a child that might not equate to your definition of perfect, but that is your decision. Millions around the world do not feel the same way.
Mark, let me ask you this. Would you rather that Gov. Palin aborted the child? Would you also kill every child with Down’s Syndrome as their parents were apparently irresponsible in your words. How about every child with any form of disability? Or every child that is not the same race and religion as you? Or maybe you would like to treat babies as the Ancient Spartans did - if the child looks weak stick them in the forest, and if they make it back to the city they can live.
Where is the line that meets your criteria for responsible?
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