A quick video history of Gov. Sarah Palin's comments
I searched through Youtube a bit and came up with this compilation on Gov. Sarah Palin. For those who are unfamiliar with her, here are her words on various interviews. You can make up your own thoughts on how she sounds and what she has to say on various subjects.
Giving Birth in Office
Life and Background
Scandal (name one candidate without one)
With Troops (I do not support every aspect of this video)
Now this has not been the most comprehensive study of Gov. Palin’s past and her comments to the public. But I believe it does give some insight to the candidate.
I’m really interested in her debate with Senator Biden, and future speeches she makes.
Labels: Gov. Sarah Palin, Presidential election race 2008, Senator Biden, Vice-Presidential candidates

A comment from 1800blogger where I am a contributing author.
Mike M Says:
September 3rd, 2008 at 12:54 am e
I like her spunk. “Lets see what kinda VP he wants, being the gov. of Alaska is a pretty cool job too”. She handles herself well in unscripted situations, better than Obama I think. Thanks for your work presenting the info. I love your unbiased presentation of the facts.
Mike M,
Thank you for your comment. I too am looking forward to hearing Gov. Palin speak more. Her speech last night was powerful and inspiring. If this is an indication of what we may see in the future, Senator Biden is in trouble.
From Presidential Race Blog, where I am the author.
Dave Johnston,
Michael, thank you for putting these videos together. It’s only been a matter of days since the Governor has come into my spotlight, but from what I’ve found and have seen, I’ve been impressed. If picking Governor Palin is an example of the decisions we can expect from Senator McCain, I’m impressed. Although I lean more, ideologically, towards the Republican Party, I’ve been totally disappointed with both Parties and was truly headed towards ‘fruitlessly’ backing a third Party. But now, with Governor Palin added to the Republican Ticket, I’m excited. Not only will I vote Republican I will do what I can to help them win. I live in Central California and although California is usually carried by the Democrats in Los Angeles and San Francisco, I can tell you, here in the central part of California, everyone I know is impressed with Governor Palin and the ‘excitement’ about having her and Senator McCain in the White House is all you hear.
If I was Senator Biden, I’d be worried about the upcoming VP debates as I’m sure he is.
I think we all have been upset by the Presidential candidates in this election. They all have significant failures on issues that are important to all Americans. But even so I would never advise a 3rd Party candidate, as so far I see no better option there.
Gov. Palin does add something to the election that Senator Biden fails to do for Democrats. Where Republicans are united, Democrats are further divided. How can we elect a President whose VP has no confidence in his boss, and who has massively different ideals for America? Such a Democratic Administration would have to fight among itself as well as Congress on too many issues to pass any law.
It’s nice to hear that not every Californian agrees with the extreme far-left policies espoused by San Francisco. I have often had problems with what has been said by the politicians of that city, and their support of extreme policies against Marines, the Armed Forces in general, and individual rights while rallying to groups like Code pink and Moveon.org. I’ve always believed that most Californians are like the average American, and I’m glad to hear that is correct.
The debates will be very interesting. My guess is that unless the Obama – Biden ticket is able to polispeak even better than they have in the past (well make that Obama, as Biden was only able to get 1% of the vote in the Iowa Democratic Primary before leaving the race) they will fail to motivate voters. In fact I believe that when in the debates it will become apparent how terrible the Democratic policies are (assuming that Senator Biden does not slip and further conflict with the ideas of Obama).
But trust I will be watching, and commenting on all the debates.
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