As time flies before election, questions arise like a wave
The eve before the Presidential election. And the media is losing it’s mind.
As I was playing in my Monday night 8-ball pool tournament (I’m currently 12 for 12) and happened to look up at the television. It was about 7:30 and on ABC News there was George Stephanopoulos and a reporter. The 2 were discussing projections of who will win the Senate races in various states. This is a day before anyone has voted!
Tell me how ABC is not influencing voters a day before they go to vote. All of this ‘projection’ was based on the early votes made so far. And the early vote is never the majority of a State’s vote. Just doesn’t happen. So they are telling the public what might well amount to blatant lies once votes are done on Tuesday. Unless they influence the voters to not show up, since the outcome has already been decided – by that news media organization.
While ABC News is busy trying to garner Democratic votes, in an act that has never occurred in an election ever before, there is more news hitting the air.
Senator Obama has apparently stated that he will bankrupt coal power plants. This of course will drive electricity costs through the roof and leave tens of thousands unemployed. I’m shocked that this has been so well hidden up til now.
This goes along with the plans of Senator Biden to end coal power usage
The defenders of Senator Obama will rant away about Fox News publishing this video and how not to trust Fox News, but those are Obama’s words coming out of his mouth. The same is true of the video of Biden.
I have raised these issues before over the summer. This is not new information. But for some reason Senator Obama was never connected with what he has said.
Under an Obama Administration the American public will pay more for electricity, as a punishment and a means for reducing energy use. In the next video you don’t need to pay attention to the editorial words added, just listen to what Obama says.
Again these are the words of Senator Obama.
When you go to vote tomorrow remember these facts:
- Obama is in favor of higher electricity prices to force people to conserve energy
- Obama is aware that his plans could cause higher unemployment and difficulty for Americans
- Obama is aware that the higher costs would be felt directly by Americans and not corporations
- Obama promises to raise costs of corporate taxes, but does not believe this will be passed on to the public
- Obama does not believe that the higher unemployment will affect America negatively since he will take money from Americans to give to Americans he chooses
- Obama disagrees with secret ballots, at least when it comes to unions
- Obama supports spending more money the Government doesn’t have to create another stimulus plan (Nancy Pelosi’s idea, cost $300 billion and increasing, did you notice how well the last one worked, and you will pay for that from taxes)
- Obama defends Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and the others responsible for lying to the public in July about how safe Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were – the failure of which led to the bailout you will pay for in upcoming years
- Obama’s foreign policy plans are disputed by his Vice Presidential pick Biden
- Obama voted in March 2008 to raise the taxes of every American making $31,850 or more
- Obama believes the Government that can’t run the post office or the VA can make better healthcare decisions than you can
- Obama believes the Government can run a healthcare department efficiently, yet there has never been a department or agency of the Government that has cost less than the year before in 40 years – paid for with your taxes
- Obama has never explained his relationship with the self-admitted terrorist William Ayers – who helped launch Obama’s political career
- Obama and Biden routinely punish news agencies that ask questions they don’t like – Florida television, and newspapers alike can’t ask questions any more even if you want an answer to that question
Every item is something I have covered about Obama since 2007. Every item can be found on my blog, or you can search the net and verify it yourself. Every single item is an important issues for the next President of America.
Are these issues you can live with?
You get one vote, make it wisely. Be informed.
Labels: ABC News, George Stephanopoulos, news media, Presidential election race 2008, Senator Barack Obama, Senator Biden

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