What about Afganistan?
I was just reading some of the current news items today, about Judge Alito, a fragging incedent in Iraq and the interest rate move, when I realized 'There is nothing being discussed about what is happening in Afganistan.' This is very interesting because it makes me reflect on why we don't speak about the other war.
Of course part of it is that no one wants to speak on the point that we have yet to locate or deter bin Laden. Also the fact that we are still fighting in a country with a technology base often compared to the stone age, not unlike the Soviets did in the 80's. And there is the question of when we can bring our boys home.
This just reconfirms my thought that we have gone about this "fight on terrorism" the wrong way. I believe that the true solution is in absorbing the extremists and removing them. By that I mean we go to country X and take it over. They then become a commonwealth of the U.S. and we then go in and improve everything. We install a government and officials we approve of, create an infrastructure, (re)build an economy and education system. Basically we build an empire as it has been done for centuries.
Why? Because in 2 generations max we create a culture that is friendlier to us and less extreme. Mind you we need to do everything that will nurture our new lands. Protecting the people, proper medical aid and feeding the hungry are all essential. Education is always taught from the point of view of the winner, this would be no exception. Give that these steps are done, in 3-4 generations you have a new potential state. It can be that "easy". The fact that it is empire building is irrelevant. To hide from the fact that America is the only current Empire besides the fragments of the communist system in China, is to lie.
Empire or not, I have yet to hear one person/country that thinks that Afganistan or Iraq would be better without the resourses that America can put to it. The current generation may not like it, but the future one would. And live better while enjoying it. What do you think?

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