As election 2006 looms near - 10.09.2006.1
Of late there has been a lot of politicing on issues that really aren’t political. The main item has been former Representative Mark Foley. The way the various talking heads have been going you would think that this was motivated by the political parties as opposed to an individual man’s actions. And as time goes by, it just gets bigger and worse.
I do not like that Mr. Foley has gone after pages. I’m disturbed by his attempts to sexually contact underage children, as the mounting information appears to state. I’m not surprised that this has been going on for potentially years. I definitely believe many in both parties were aware, to varying degrees, of what was happening. Neither party is innocent in there actions, but this has nothing to do with the general elections.
The real questions are whether those in the Republican party were aware and when, and most importantly to what degree, of Mr. Foley’s actions. If some knew of these actions and did nothing, then they need to be removed. As representatives of the public they have an obligation, higher than others, to protect the youth especially when they are in their charge. Given that this is the question, it has nothing to do with policy nor the ‘war on terror’ nor any other individual.
I don’t think that Gov. Schwarzenegger has anything to do with Mr. Foley, yet they are both Republican. Anyone choosing to vote one way or another based on this man’s actions solely is a fool and has sold their vote cheap. If a politician is not involved in this matter, as the overwhelming number of representatives do not, then the issues of their constituents should be the only factor.
The Democrats give me pause as well. As information is found the real question of what was known and when becomes more apparent. Anyone who knew and held this information based on the potential effect during elections needs to be removed as well. They are no better than someone covering up the situation. As I said, they have a higher obligation to protect the youth, not the party. I agree with many that the timing is odd.
This is not the first time that a politician has abused their position. Many throughout the decades, if not centuries, have committed abuses. I would say that just as many or more do not abuse their position. But there have been bounced check scandals, sexual misconduct, nepotism, and favoritism in each party. Power corrupts as the saying goes. But that has nothing to do with the work going on in state X, when an unconnected individual in state Y is caught. It has nothing to do with the President or international policy. To say it does is just purely smoke and mirrors. It’s a way to buy a vote cheaply, like showing up to a church but not being devout or religious at any other point besides election time.
Let’s not lose focus of certain things. We are fighting a war in Iraq. It did not stop when the President claimed it did years ago. We are actively trying to prevent terrorist attacks on our nation. We are weakening some constitutional rights to be able to ensure the general safety of the nation, but the nation will be attacked again given time; and we need to be aware of what we are willing to bend on before it snaps and is gone. We are trying to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons, especially in nations that have been preparing to fight a war with us for 50 years, or actively aiding those that would attempt to terrorize us. While some may disagree with the steps the nation is taking now, none have stated a clear and defined alternative. At the least I have yet to hear or read one, even when interviewed and asked that question directly.
These are some of the questions that any potential leader, of any political level, needs to answer to gain a position. At least that is how I vote. Blaming a party based on the actions of one person does not give answers. Hiding information does not do it. Saying that there needs to be a change will not do it. Claiming that its someone else’s fault does not improve the situation. My vote is not that cheap. Nor is yours.
This is what I think, what do you think?

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