Responding to a reader comment Conclusion - 4.23.2007.3
Concluding Response to comments on Immigration and student aid for college...
Given that there is no identical nation to America, the similarities to other nations cultures is hit and miss in a buckshot pattern. 1 million immigrants of any nation would have varying degrees of integration difficulty. Canada is no better or worse than any other country.
I also feel a subtle confusion has occurred. The assumption is that your comments are comparing similar groups of immigrants. This is not the case. When you mention 15 million Hispanics you mention they are poor and from the 3rd world. You forgot to mention that they are also illegally here. To my knowledge most illegal aliens are poor and from lesser countries. That is why they come to America and other nations. To improve their lives. Immigrants that are rich, and/or from non-3rd world nations tend to be less likely to immigrate illegally. They have a lesser need, and time is not a factor that is detrimental to them. In addition the more poor the individual, and the worse the conditions of their native country the less likely they are to have higher educations. That does not mean they are stupid, just less educated. Doctors of any nation have less difficulty immigrating than do bricklayers, in any nation.
To be fair 750,000 poor Canadians that speak French, with sub-high school educations (by American standards) and enter the nation illegally would be a more accurate comparison. Given that comparison do you feel they would integrate into society easily even though they come from a 1st or 2nd world country?
Also do you feel that if 15 million English speaking, middle or higher income (American standard), white-collar, German or Italian (as an example) illegal immigrants were in the nation would that raise the ire and national cries for immigration reform? Does it change if they are now Hispanic? Does it change if they are less educated or don’t speak English or any of the other factors? What combination makes illegal immigrants a national issue? How much of a factor is the fact that many illegal aliens are identifyable due to language and color of skin?
Thus I do not feel that I have made an invalid cry of racism. In fact I mentioned it as a factor, which I have not noted you disputing. I did not state that it was the only reason, which you imply. In comparing apples to apples my opinion does not change. I do not want any illegal alien to receive any benefit derived from citizen taxes. I do think that Canada has proven to be a greater danger to national security than Mexico and continues to be to this day. Efforts to improve national security via heightened activity on the Mexican border is a waste of money if there is no effort to improve the Canadian border as well. The legal immigration policy of the United States is skewed to Europe at the near exclusion of many other nations.
You do not provide facts that dispute any of the points I have made. You have not commented on the immigration policy of this nation which does have a racial component to it. You ignored the point of the post which was the compensation of illegal aliens with money that comes from citizen taxes. You did not touch the point that terrorists have come via Canada into this nation illegally and thus more should be done to secure that border. You ignored the point that language is equally as important in identifying illegal aliens as is skin color.
If you feel I am racist, please tell me why. But do not claim I have made a racist commentary when you take a portion of what I said without considering the whole of what I have said.
This is what I think, what do you think?
Labels: Canada, education, homeland security, illegal aliens, immigration policies

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