Rev. Jesse Jackson throws stones at Senator Barack Obama - 9.20.2007.1
It’s amazing what a mere 6 months allow. In this minor amount of time Reverend Jesse Jackson seems to have forgotten, and hopes we have as well, his endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama. That’s funny.
“He has my vote,” the Rev. Jackson told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.
“I just have an appreciation of him,” Jackson said.
That was on March 29th of this year. But on Sept. 19th the comments from Rev. Jackson seemed anything but supportive, or the words of a friend.
“Jackson sharply criticized presidential hopeful and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama for “acting like he’s white” in what Jackson said has been a tepid response to six black juveniles’ arrest on attempted-murder charges in Jena, La. Jackson, who also lives in Illinois, endorsed Obama in March, according to The Associated Press.
“If I were a candidate, I’d be all over Jena,…”
Wow. Talk about a reversal of position.
Let’s get a couple of things clear on this. I don’t think that Rev. Jackson really cares about Sen. Obama winning. Jesse Jackson Jr. may but not his father. That presumption explains the comments about the Jena 6 and how Sen. Obama acts.
By the way, Rev. Jackson would be all over the Jena 6 as a presidential candidate, but as a civil rights leader, and a news media declared “leader” of African Americans, he has had virtually nothing to say about this case? I mean though this has finally gotten attention, enough to have been part of questions asked to President Bush in his press conference today (roughly at 11am), it is hardly a new thing. Black bloggers have long been speaking on this, for months. The major news media just ignored all the commentary on the case. And I am unaware of Rev. Jackson, or Rev. Al Sharpton, stepping up and making a national press conference on the matter.
That is not only hypocritical, it’s wrong. Rev. Jackson and Sharpton have the ability to bring many issues to the media that the rest of us have to work 10,000x harder to bring to light. Yet they are quiet on many until they can get the limelight, even if at the cost to others in my opinion. Take the example of Ms. Megan Williams.
I’ve already commented on the horrendous crime inflicted on Ms. Williams. I have already criticized the major news media for their failure to follow this story, especially when they choose to cover nonsense like Britney Spears and every single nuance and footstep of OJ Simpson. I was not alone. Several bloogers, were on this at about the same time and some made similar points about their local and national major news media outlets. I heard nothing from Rev. Jackson or Sharpton. They STILL have not mentioned anything about the case.
So I have to say, with due respect, that Rev. Jackson should stop throwing his stones because his glass house is already massively cracked.
And will the media stop saying that Rev. Jackson and Al Sharpton are leaders of African Americans. There was no vote. No one asked my opinion nor any other Black person in America. The news media made up that claim. The news media wants them to be in the limelight as opposed to others that may well deserve it. Some might say that both reverends are the lapdogs of the news media, which is far worse than being accused of “acting white”.
More on the “acting white” thing.
Labels: African American, Al Sharpton, britney spears, jena 6, Jesse Jackson, Megan Williams, oj simpson, Senator Barack Obama

they call Al and Jesse leaders cause blacks like to be lead. Theyre not very indivdualistic. What is it, 90% vote for Democrats? Now there's some real thinking taking place!
Well that sounds like basic patent racist rhetoric all right. Only that kind of regurgitation could possibly generalize an entire spectrum of people in an overly simplistic manner like that. This isn’t noted trends or science or polling data, it’s just a petty and ignorant attempt to belittle African Americans because of your own desire for self-importance.
In fact 90% of African Americans do not vote Democrat. Many may, and when choosing between the 2 options o f Senator Clinton and Senator Obama many have chosen Senator Obama. That’s not because he is Black, but because he is the best Democratic choice in their opinion.
Do the overwhelming number of Whites that make up the Democratic Party, and have voted en masse for Senator Obama lack individualism as well? Do they too like to be led?
Actually it’s responses like this, that I see far too often and seem to be carbon copy cut-and-paste comments, that make me assured that the failure of genetics in preventing the spread of such narrow-minded, obtuse, and utterly useless beings will be the undoing of the human race. Your (and those of similar opinions’) apparent inferiority complex and various shortcomings aside, I find it interesting that you hope to find any form of agreement or vindication from the blogs of a Black Puerto Rican. But then again, considering that you failed to see what I was trying to point out, and rather chose to grasp at a fallacy based on your own illogical ramblings, I’m not surprised.
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