Are UFO's a joke or fact? How do you know?
**This can also be found at All American Blog where I am a contributing author.**
Not long ago, during a Democratic Presidential debate, Dennis Kucinich made a remarkable comment on national TV. He openly stated that he had seen a U.F.O. at some point in his life. This was taken as a light point in the debate, and was glossed over by the other candidates and major news media.
The shame is that this is not the first public figure to acknowledge that they had seen something that appears to be other than man-made in the skies. But little is made of such questions, and the government officially denies and disputes all such claims. The government points to its investigation called Project Blue Book, run by the Air Force from 1947 to 1969, that checked on 12,618 UFO reports. The official conclusion was that no evidence of space aliens or a super technology in operation existed. What is not mentioned is that fact that a percentage of all the investigations came back with no explanation whatsoever.
Because of the official conclusion the government has stated that there has been no event that gives reason to open up another Blue Book or other type of investigation. And in time we see that now private citizens are often ridiculed or chastised for claiming to see a UFO. Such has happened to the declaration of Mr. Kucinich.
But is he the only public official to see a UFO? Is he one of the “few” to have made a sighting? Is there really nothing for the government to check?
Well I submit that there was at least one thing that is an open question. In Phoenix in 1997, several thousand people observed for minutes slow moving, silent, lights over the city. Thousands of credible, professional, sane people. Including then-Arizona Gov. Fife Symington.
Is that enough to open an investigation? What if you add to this, Mr. Kucinich, and John Callahan a former Federal Aviation Administration investigator? There are also the reported sightings over O’Hare airport on November 7, 2006 which was seen by a group of United Airlines employees. This group included pilots and at least one supervisor. Also not least in this small group should be included Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan? Are they public enough and credible enough?
Well a panel of international pilots and former government officials believe so. And they are asking for an investigation.
For me, I think I summed it up best when I stated
“For the record I will mention that I do believe we are not alone in the universe. Other beings exist. It is complete arrogance and statistically impossible for there not to be other lifeforms. It is equally arrogant and impossible that all those other beings are less intelligent or advanced than ourselves. Given these probabilities it is possible that UFO’s exist and do visit the world.”
And what does it mean if not only are we not singular in the universe, but that we are also not the top of the chain? Infact what if we are, in spite of all our advances and technology, just barely on the scale of intelligent beings in the universe? A humbling thought.
But we deserve to know. We should know. Because just like Will Smith’s character in Men In Black, when faced with the fact that
“A thousand years ago everybody knew as a fact, that the earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on it. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.”
We can match the challenge and face the new perspective of the universe. Or are we like what Tommy Lee Jones’ Agent K stated
“A person is smart; people are dumb panicky dangerous animals and you know it.”
Personally I hope for the former. But we will never know if we don’t check.
But what do you think?
Labels: Dennis Kucinich, Gov. Fife Symington, Men In Black, Presiodent Jimmy Carter, Presiodent Ronald Reagan, Project Blue Book, Tommy Lee Jones, U.F.O., UFO sighting, Will Smith

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