Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Facts are not as important as myths Part 4 - 11.7.2007.4

Concluded from Facts are not as important as myths Part 3...

Does the Black community have problems? Of course we do. So does every community. But the press is all over every misstep and poor decision of Blacks. It’s so extreme that similar crimes, executed or reported at virtually the same time, are not discussed by the major media in equal amounts of time. The African American suspect is featured overwhelmingly, even if the White criminal is red handedly guilty.

Given the facts of the numbers what can we conclude by the actions that happen daily in this nation? That there is a prejudice that has never gone away; but has evolved to present itself in quiet and somewhat more subtle ways. Since the first slave boat arrived in the colonies, Blacks have been seen as dangerous and wild. Today we get the same almost subliminal message. And some wonder why there are tensions between races.

Let me be clear. I am not denouncing Whites. I am not absolving African Americans. I am not saying more than what I have observed and the numbers state. I am constantly questioned how I can claim the media, or the legal system is bias. I am confronted when I comment on the absurdity of White privilege. I am insulted when I point out observations that run counter to historically held ideals.

But I merely state what I notice. And I will continue to do so. I love America, even with these flaws. I stand by this nation, right or wrong. I will defend this nation, even when it wrongs me. I do this because it is the greatest nation on the planet, and it is capable of becoming even more. But you cannot become better without effort and pain. If what I have written makes some uncomfortable, if that discomfort leads to a better more equal America, then I am happy. That is my intention.

But what do you think?

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