What has House Speaker Nancy Pelosi done for you in 2007
As the snow begins to fall here on the northeast, I happened to chance upon an item of minor interest. What that involved was the money spent by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on flowers this year. Not a big deal right? Except you have to remember that Speaker Pelosi gained her position on the basis of change (remember all the Democrats declaring that as the only platform for the 2006 elections). The change in this case was an increase in the amounts of money Speaker Pelosi spent of the taxpayers’ money.

Before becoming Speaker of the House, Pelosi spent $5,000 in 2006 on flowers. The mind boggles at why she would need that many. But in 2007 that number soared to $16,058 for reasons that really seem silly to me. I mean for whatever reason that Pelosi felt she had to host meetings with dignitaries that the President was already hosting, did she really need to give them all flowers too?
But the spending frenzy did not end there. Speaker Pelosi also felt the need to swell her staffing by 46% more than the previous speaker, and her travel budget was a whopping 34.3 TIMES as large as the previous. All in all
“Pelosi (D-Calif.) spent a little more than $3 million in the first nine months of 2007, records show, compared to the $1.8 million Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) spent during the same period in 2006.”
And don’t forget that 2006 was an election year, which generally increases spending. Thank you Speaker Pelosi for taking my hard earned money and frittering it away.

But let me be fair. What have we received for this huge increase in expenditures? Well with the help of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, America was promised that the Democrat led Congress would
“use the first 100 hours of legislative work of the new Congress to reform lobbying, push raises to the national minimum wage, implement the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission and reduce prescription drug costs for seniors and college loan interest rates for students.”
They went on to promise
“Tighter restrictions on spending earmarks, lobbying, gifts and travel will be proposed…A $2.10 hourly increase in the minimum wage to $7.25…”
And what have we received?
Months of debate over why Alberto Gonzalez fired some lawyers (all of whom worked at the privilege of the President and can legally be fired at any time for any reason), though it was clearly known that no law was broken. As noted above restricted spending obviously does not include flowers, staffing, or travel for the Speaker of the House. And since leadership flows from the top down, is there any surprise?
More specifically, on 2 issues that I find to be important and dealing with the lives of children what has the Congress done? H.R. 180 IH, otherwise known as the Darfur Accountability and Divestment Act, was introduced in January 2007. As of Dec 12, 2007 it is still not a law. It took the House virtually 8 months to finally vote on this as a good idea, and its gone no further.
What is it? What does it do?
“To require the identification of companies that conduct business operations in Sudan, to prohibit United States Government contracts with such companies, and for other purposes.”
Since most have not heard of Darfur, let me give you an idea of what is happening. Genocide. The murder of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children over the last 4 years plus. I did not call it genocide, the U.S. government has. And the Congress, under Pelosi and Reid who promised change and want to help all the kids whose parents are in this nation illegally or are poor, can’t even agree to stop giving Government money to a country killing people non-stop (possibly 100 more women and children are dead by the time you have read this far) for years.
Well maybe genocide is too political. Perhaps America is not the police force of the world. Maybe our government makes too much money from dealing with the Sudan and the economy will fail if we change. How about protecting children’s lives?
Everyone wants to protect children. Only a beast would want to put them in harm’s way. Only monsters would stand by and allow a child to be killed. At the least you would say something, right? Not if you are in Congress.
In the House there is H.R. 2620: Child Soldier Prevention Act of 2007 (in the Senate, where Harry Reid “leads”, there is S. 1175: Child Soldier Prevention Act of 2007. They are identical.) The purpose is simple
“A bill to end the use of child soldiers in hostilities around the world, and for other purposes”
So what has been done? In the Senate it was introduced in April, in the House June. And that is it. Just as H.R. 5966 [109th]: Child Soldier Prevention Act of 2006 died with nothing done, so is this years version.
Wow, with this kind of leadership the premium that we are paying Congress and all the perks House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is spending our money on, really seems worth it. I mean even our own soldiers are not getting funding while Congress gets ready to relax in their large well lit, well heated homes for Christmas.
Yes, the leadership in Congress promised change and they delivered. Too bad they didn’t mention that it would be a change to waste of our money and inaction on any legislation of importance.
Still feel good about that vote in 2006? Keep it in mind as you vote in 2008.
Labels: Child Soldier Prevention Act, Congress, Darfur Accountability and Divestment Act, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Dennis Hastert, Senate Majority Leader, Speaker of the House

Wow - how insane are you? Try to twist everything eh?
That bit about killing children was the jewel, seeing as Pelosi and virtually everyone but the nutwings and the president didn't want to put the children's health care through.
First, let me thank you for commenting.
Interesting. Besides the fact that you are trying to minimize what I have said by inferring that my mental state is abnormal, you are also inferring that I somehow did not report facts as they existed at the time of the post.
But let me answer your questions, I am neither insane nor changing facts in any manner. My mind is not only sound, it functions (according to IQ and other cognitive test I’ve received throughout my life) at a level well above the average. And the facts are just that.
What House Speaker Pelosi spent is a matter of fact. The comparison is fact. The status of H.R. 2620: Child Soldier Prevention Act of 2007 and H.R. 180 IH: Darfur Accountability and Divestment Act are facts. Lastly the death of children from being used as soliders in places around the world, and from the genocide in Darfur are facts. They may be unpleasant facts, but that does not change them.
By the way, it’s called wingnuts not nutwings.
And what was in debate on the SCHIP program that President Bush and others were against was giving kids that have insurance, government funded insurance instead. Not that the President was against providing children with insurance as you make it sound. SCHIP is currently funded through 2008 until March of 2009.
So your comment is fallacious, as are your inferences.
And I will note that you avoided one of the key points of the post for the sake of sensationalism. House Speaker Pelosi is wasting taxpayer money, at a rate 200% above what the previous House Speaker spent. Which directly goes against the message that Democrats ran on in the 2006 election.
Another point is that the Democrat lead Congress has failed to achieve any of the objectives they stated they were going to do. Thankfully they failed to run out of Iraq with our collective tail between our legs. But beyond that they did not increase the time they worked, drug costs are not down, I don’t recall an increased minimum wage, earmarks are up.
Wasting time and money on multiple Congrssional hearings, where no crime has been committed was way up though. And the earmaks are especially telling. Senator Clinton had 261, Senator Obama had 46, Senator McCain had 0 though. Again this is fact, not wishful thinking.
[For the record, of the top 6 worst earmark offenders, 4 are Democrats. Of the total $679.7 million in earmarks among the top 6, 73% of it was by Democrats totaling $495.4 million of our tax dollars.]
So I counter that it may have been insane to believe that elected politicians, that had no mandate beside ‘change’, could accomplish anything substantive when their apparent goal was to say the other Party and the President aren’t nice people. Perhaps if they actually focused on helping the nation, and not trying to look imporant they would have an approval rating that was higher, or at least as high as the President’s.
Even more insane, and I blame all of Congress for this, is the fact that so little has been done for H.R. 2620 and H.R. 180 IH. Children are dying. That is a sad fact, and we have done virtually nothing about it. Not even lipservice.
What a great article. I am so sick of Nancy Pelosi. I wanted to see what exactly she has done since becoming the Speaker of the House and now I know. She has tripled her spending on flowers, travel, and staff requirements for herself. As far as legistlation she has done nothing. What a great example she is. I don't understand how politicians get away with this crap. I love this country so much and it seems the people we elect to lead us don't give a hoot. Everyone is just looking out for how much money they can grab. Do the right thing. How hard is it to do the right thing? I'm sick of the same leadership year after year, election after election. I like Sarah Palin and I hope she and John McCain get elected because she has shown that she gets things done. She does change the status quo. Finally someone who has some damn common sense. Put America first not yourself.
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