A different view - 2.6.2008.2
M Hope is a contributing author, writing to Black Entertainment USA and Vass.

There is a question that is being asked during this political race. The question has been asked and answered and debated and even blown off as being ridiculous. It’s a question that has been asked on both sides of the political line. The question is:
“Will there be an Obama/Clinton ticket in 2008, regardless who wins?”
Many people say “No, there is too much bad blood between them”, others say “Hillary will never pick Obama to run with her”, still others say “Barak will not be comfortable with HER as a running mate, having to deal with her legacy with Bill”.
The sad truth is that all those answers are wrong.
Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton are THE 2 strongest running candidates in the Democratic Party. They also represent something much more than just popular candidates. They represent how far we as a diverse country have come to looking past things as trivial as race, gender, religion, and looking into the “content of character” so eloquently expressed by Martin Luther King, Jr. (not that I think Clinton has much content, but go with me on this).
If they do not team up on this election that will say to me 2 things:
- 1. Neither of the 2 candidates have this country in mind when running for the presidency. This is all just a quest for power and fame, plain and simple. The fact that both Clinton and Obama have some different views on how this country should be run is the perfect dynamic needed to bring about change in the government today, which is still doing business as usual. If you want things to be different, you have to do them differently.
- 2. Neither of the 2 is qualified for the Presidency. Pardon me for being out of line, but being the President requires that you make some decisions that will preclude trivial things like pride, self-worth, feelings, etc. If you can’t make a decision about what is best for your Party as opposed to your feelings, how can you begin to hope to lead this country which is now at a crossroads the like we have never seen before and will never see again?
I don’t claim to support either Democrat or Republican candidates, but I do know this. In order for the Democrats to win this election, I can’t see how Clinton and Obama (or Obama and Clinton, whichever way you prefer) can not partner up and focus on the business of bringing change to this country. That is, if that’s what they really want to do…
Labels: Demcratic Party, election 2008, presidential cantidates, Republican Party, Senator Barack Obama, Senator Hillary Clinton

After reading what you wrote about Obama and Clinton being on the same ticket, you point out that neither one of them has enough experience. So why would you ever want to partner up 2 people who in your opinion don’t have enough experience to run the country? Would it not be a better idea to partner them with someone who can balance them out for what ever their short comings are? To expect that inexperience doubled would be better for the country would be a very short minded thing to do. That would be putting the country its self in jeopardy of failing.
It is my opinion that both candidates run on separate tickets with the betterment of the country in mind. I am not a Clinton fan in any way shape or form but to put them both on the same ticket to me is a very bad idea.
I wasnt really focusing on whether or not Clinton or Obama (from here on they will be identified as ClinBama) has enough experience. To be honest, how can anyone have experience being the leader of the most powerful country on the planet Earth? Its the level of maturity and the real motivation for wanting the job that I am concerned about. Lets be honest. A majority of people are going to vote for either of the two because of a)popularity or b) its the trendy thing to do. My focus is that these two are major players in the Democratic Party and the fact that they cant be "team players" speaks more to me than any debate ever will.
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