Canada and the NYC bombing - 3.7.2008.1
I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Is anyone paying attention to Canada? Specifically the border. Because, again, it seems that no one is.
On Thursday, some nutjob set off a bomb at the New York City recruiting station which has been in place since WWII. Obviously government agencies are looking at every angle on whom this idiot was and why they committed this act of terrorism. [Personally my first and recurring thoughts are that it’s one of the pathetic ungrateful members of Code Pink and/or the Berkley city council. They are all just loopy enough to do such an act and perversely think that this was a positive.]
Part of the investigation has led to an incident at the Canadian border roughly 1 month ago.
“They went over the facts: Two of four men in a car got out and tried to cross the border on foot; the authorities pursued them but did not catch them; when the car was inspected at the checkpoint, each of the four bags were found to have contained four foreign passports for four people. In one of the bags were those writings and photographs [anarchist writings and photographs of various spots around New York City — including the military recruiting station and the police station in Times Square], the official said.”
As of this writing, the above incident has been ruled as not connected to the NY bombing. So does anyone feel any more secure or confident about the incident? I surely don’t.
You may recall me stating
“But if we are to posture about security and claim a need to patrol and defend the southern border, no less attention needs to be directed at our neighbors to the north. And I would wager that if 17 were caught, many more have already crossed without incident.” – June 2006
“But how does a person who is flagged and sought after by the American government enter the nation? Through Mexico, crossing the border with illegal immigrants in the dead of night across difficult terrain? No, a casual drive over the northern border is all it takes.” – June 2007
Now we learn of people that were up to no good at the northern border. I mean they ran from authorities, had 12 passports, and pictures targeting spots in NYC.
And not one of them spoke spanish, or were descibed as Hispanics/Latinos. Amazing, unless you realize that the biggest threat to America is to our north not south.
In the past 3 years there was at least 17 terrorists, one biological idiot, and numerous people with fake documents and troubling photos all at the northern border. Name any threat to national security that entered from Mexico in the same time.
That does not mean that illegal aliens entering from the south are not an issue. The flow needs to be stemmed. But I at least believe that Canada is the waypoint for terrorists hoping to kill hunderds or thousands of Americans. And our elected officials seem not to care.
I hate to say it, but it may take an act that kills Americans and a live chase via helicopter cam crossing our border to the north with caucasian terrorists before the general public wakes up to the present and continuous threat. I pray such an event doesn’t happen, but it seems it’s the only way to be safe.
Maybe the bombing in New York wasn’t done by a sick, deranged, bastard that entered our nation via Canada this time. But that’s where the threats have been in the past, and eventually it will be where we will have to look in the future too.
Labels: Berkley, border crossing, Canada, Code Pink, New York City, terrorist attack

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