Why an Obama + Clinton ticket won’t win
**I want to say hello to all my new readers coming from TV One's website and it's Presidential election page.**
Here is a quick list of a few reasons why I feel the “dream Presidential ticket” means sure doom for Democrats come November. And by the way, the reasons don’t change regardless of which Presidential candidate is the lead.
- 1) Racial and religious slurs. Obviously there have been multiple attacks and rumors that have been coming from one political campaign against another. No names need to be said, but the effect has been fractioning of the party, disenfranchisement of voters, and a potential explosion at the Party convention.
- 2) The massive scandals that come with the Clinton’s. Do not kid yourself if you are a fan of theirs, everything they were accused of is going to come back. Whitewater to Monica Lewinsky and the rest. And add in new events like whatever is hidden in the current tax return and the records blocked by Bill.
- 3) Absolute lack of experience. Both candidates are novices in the political sphere, especially when compared to the long record of McCain and his military record. Which of the three really has the experience to answer the 3am call? Expect to see that commercial before the election.
- 4) Taxes will go higher. Pick your choice, but either way you will pay more to the government. How else will all those entitlements get paid for, like universal healthcare?
- 5) For those that came up with the answer, “Leave Iraq and it will pay for it all”, sorry that’s not exactly right. You are correct that with either at the helm America will lose in Iraq and possibly Afghanistan. Guaranteed the terrorists will be empowered. An immediate retreat from Iraq means that those left in the wake to suffer will join the propaganda that blames it all on America and attack us when old enough. Troops will need to be in Iraq to prevent total chaos (which is the real meaning of being IN Iraq for 100 years – like being in Germany for 50 now). So the money saved will go to setting up a permanent base and protecting/rebuilding from terrorist attacks.
- 6) Any person that is against the idea of a Black and/or woman being in charge will vote against this ticket. For all the hopes and belief that America has grown, the fact is that many in America (of both sexes and many races) still harbor bias. Proof is in the wage differences, executive placements, legal system, movies, television shows, and on and on.
- 7) Illegal aliens (or non-documented immigrants if you prefer – lack of a passport or green card is illegal) will gain citizenship and/or multiple rights of citizens. Possibly good for unions and Democratic voting blocks, I don’t see a benefit anywhere else.
- 8) The stock market classically drops at the beginning of a Democratic Presidency. Depending on the ability of the Democrat, the entire term can be bad for the stock market, business, ultimately the economy and investors.
- 9) Both supported (or refused to refute) Moveon.org and its insulting attack against General Petraeus and the Armed Forces. Obviously not good for relations with the Pentagon.
- 10) The Party division created by the fight for the nomination, will not be resolved so simply. The real issues, and taking for granted of core sections of the Democratic Party, will not just go away. With either candidate at the top of the ticket some will feel they were robbed and betrayed.
- 11) And lastly the egos of both candidates visibly and directly clash.
Now these are all real and valid reasons that the Democrats will lose with this combination. That is not to say that either candidate, with a different Vice-President, is unable to win. I think that the odds of winning go up dramatically for Senator Obama without the burden of Senator Clinton. I feel Senator Clinton just can’t win.
If either candidate does win, hopefully some of the issues may be resolved. Stereotypes and prejudice need to be removed. Barriers and small-mindedness needs to be broken. Others may be improved with time.
If you favor the Democratic candidates, good. I’m not decreeing the outcome. But realize that this potential ticket has baggage and problems. If you want this to win, or any candidate, get out there and vote. Only your vote will ensure that the candidate you want will win. Only with your vote, and all those of citizens, will the best choice for America be determined.
Labels: Democratic candidates, Democratic Party, illegal aliens, Iraq, moveon.org, Senator Clinton, Senator Obama

well who ever win the nominee they need each other for the rep
lyndon johnson and kennedy didnt see eye to eye but he was vp for kennedy they will be a sure win for real obama and clinton ticket
Did you know Planned Parenthood locates many of its abortion-contraception offices in minority areas, where they abort a huge number of minority babies? It's founder margaret Sanger was eugenicist and a white supremacist. I believe she implemented the "Negro Project" in 1939 to eliminate those she called "human weeds." For more details go to www.all.org and click on "Site Index" Be strong and be Pro-life. Please no more juges that think they have the right to legislate.
While I can respect your optimism for a combined Senator Obama and Senator Clinton ticket, I don’t agree on its viability or probability.
As I have stated before, I am completely against Senator Clinton. Were it up to me she would never have been elected to any office. I would do most anything to prevent her from gaining the Presidency. I personally feel she is a poison to the nation.
Senator Obama has no experience, and his economic plans seem likely to hurt the nation rather than benefit it. Again these are my views based on following press statements, debates, stump speeches, and political ads. It is solely based on the politics and campaign promises made and is in no way a personal character statement.
But I respect and admire those that have different views. I especially am glad to hear those views here on my blogs (as long as they are respectful – as yours is).
This election is too important to accept a single view without question. We need to all discuss why we think one candidate is better or worse than another. We need to then vote for whomever we believe will serve the best interest for America. That is the most critical part.
I have tried to be objective in my coverage of the election. I have not endorsed any candidate, and in fact am still trying to pick between Senator McCain and Obama. Even upon my decision, which I will make public, I will endeavor to provide impartial – or at least mostly impartial – information so that you my readers can make up your own mind. And I will continue to encourage everyone to register and then vote.
Again I thank you for your comment, and I respect every view that all my readers have about this Presidential election.
This replies to the second anonymous comment.
Well that is one opinion. Obviously you disagree with the pro-choice or abortion positions. I am led to believe that you find the Republican ticket more palatable.
While I will not let this post become a debate on abortion, it is a view. And I respect that you feel strongly about this. Others can review your words and the site you have mentioned to make their own decision.
I do not advocate the site you have mentioned. I have gone there, which is why there was a delay in posting your comment. I have not altered the comment, nor was I trying to censor it. I was just very busy this week. The site appears to be a non-spam site, which was my only concern. I will not attest to its veracity or its motivation.
This subject is a very personal one. I will not take a position on how I feel about it. I leave it you my readers to determine for yourselves where you stand.
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