President Barack Obama
At 11pm, with the announcement of California, Senator Obama has garnered 297 electoral votes and is thus the next President of the United States.
It is a historic moment. Millions never expected to be alive on the day that a Black man could be President. 389 years ago all of the African Americans ancestors were considered property, 143 years ago we became free and recognized by law as equal to any other human being - as we should always have been.
It has been a huge change in the past few centuries. And it has been accomplished by an extraordinary man. No matter what you may think of his political ideas, there can be no question that Obama is the embodiment of a different America than even just 10 years ago.
This is the First Black President. President Obama has broken the highest ceiling in the nation. He has become a symbol that truely, finally, in the most real sense any American can grow up and become anything they choose to be if they strive hard enough for it.
This is a night to celebrate. It is a moment of history I cannot bring to words. It is something that will resonate for lifetimes.
I hope that this will signal a growth in America. In our culture and society. I hope it is the first step in a future that regardless of economics and othe issues brings about the end of the race issues that have plagued America since our birth.
Tomorrow is another day, and we can dispute the politics then. But tonight there is only one thing to say.
World, say hello to the 44th President of the United States, President Barack Obama.
Labels: President Barack Obama, Presidential election race 2008

Well said!!! WOO HOO!!!
Cathy M.
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