Illegal immigration: the problem and a potential solution
From time to time I have discussed the question of immigration in America. To be direct, I do not like any illegal immigrant being in the nation, and absolutely believe that they deserve nothing from the Government if they are here. That being said, if you want to give up your home for immigrants to stay at and your income for them to live reading further will only anger you.
Again I will start with a clarification. They are not undocumented workers. That is polispeak for Illegal alien or more accurately illegal immigrant. The document they are missing is a green card - which would give them legal purpose to be in this nation. Thus every single illegal alien is a willful criminal first and foremost.
This is an issue that will definitely come to fore during the Obama Administration. With a Democrat-led Congress and the most liberal President in decades, I have no doubt that legislation will be attempted to give these criminals citizenship. I am completely against this idea.
Right now tens of millions if not more is being spent on illegal immigrants. Prosecuting illegal criminals, removing them from the work force, closing down sweatshops, medical aide, education and housing are but a few sources of the costs. While these individually are not major factors, combined they do help to affect the American economy. They add a burden that need not be there.
I have no problem with my taxes going to help those in need, when they are citizens. I have no problem helping people throughout the world. I endorse several humanitarian causes in Africa (Darfur among the top) and elsewhere. But those endorsements and donations are my choice. Illegal aliens are a burden I cannot choose to bear.
Think of it like this. I know of no one that would suggest that a crack dealing armed robber should receive federal housing, unless that housing were a jail. But if that same individual was illegal some believe that criminal deserves - and some may have - federal housing. That is not to say that all illegal aliens are hardened criminals, but the fact is some are. And one dollar for that is a dollar too much.
There are those that believe illegal immigrant children deserve higher education. This is not elementary school or high school. They state that college is a right of these people, specifically the right to receive federal aid and in-state tuition, the same as American citizens. Which first ignores the willful act of being an active criminal in this nation. Second it grants rights we do not give to those that legally enter this nation for a higher education. And third it adds a burden that is not compensated for as these young adults (18 - 22) and their parents do not pay taxes which the financial aid comes from.
In the same vein of thought is everything that illegal immigrants demand and ask for. They want to have rights of citizens, but are unwilling to accept the first responsibility of every citizen, following the law of the nation. That is a bit backwards in logic.
Even more people wish to give these criminals a right to become citizens. To my knowledge America does not give criminals - especially those that have or would likely commit felonies - citizenship from any country. Every adult illegal alien has actively chosen to commit a felony and they want to be rewarded?
I do understand the difficulty in removing every illegal immigrant from the nation. Given the size and wealth of our nation (even in times of recession and depression, like now) it is unrealistic to believe we will ever remove or prevent all illegals. But that is not an excuse to place a value and commoditize our citizenship. Which any plan of path to citizenship that involves a fine creates.
So what is the answer? Many will not like my answer. In fact to a degree I do not. Because it creates a de facto system of abuse. But the current system is basically no better in terms of abuse and/or discrimination.
But an idea is one that has worked in the Ancient past. Secondary class citizens. We create a legal class of citizenship that is not entitled to every right just as a full citizen would receive.
All illegals that accept this would be entitled to continue to live and work in the nation.
- They do not have a right to vote.
- They do not have a right to federally funded housing.
- They do have a right to receive federally funded food and medical aide.
- Their illegal children have the same right to receive an education as any other citizen, but they cannot receive in-state college status.
- They can only receive half the federally funded financial aid of a citizen.
- They are protected by all the laws of a citizen, and must receive the pay of a citizen.
- They will pay 50% more in federal taxes which they must file for every year or have their status rescinded.
- Every illegal alien age 18 - 26 must sign up for a draft if the nation ever deems the need to call on them.
- And if they are convicted of any felony, ever, they will be deported immediately no matter if they have children that are citizens.
Those that would flaunt this choice, and try to avoid this, would be deported after losing all possessions and 1 year of hard labor (think chain gang fixing roads across the nation).
Why might an illegal immigrant family or individual accept this? Because their children born on U.S. soil retain the rights of a full citizen. Because they will not be deported (so long as they do not violate the felony statute). Because even under these conditions they will live a quality of life greater than that in their home nations.
This plan is not completely fleshed out, so don't just tell me their are loopholes. I know there are, but I am not a politician and this is not a law I am presenting to Congress. This is an idea for others to iron out more completely. But it is comprehensive. And it addresses all illegal aliens currently in the nation and those to come. It is a path to citizenship, albeit to the children of the illegals. It removes the commoditization of U.S. citizenship, and addresses the willful violation of our laws.
It's not nice, but life is not about nice. It's relatively fair, and far better than the lives they led in their homelands. And they always have the choice before them. They can leave or suffer the consequences of further violating our laws.
Now let the debate begin.
Labels: citizenship, college tuition, Congress, illegal aliens, illegal immigration, Obama Administration, path to citizenship

Well there is no better example of the cowardly unthinking attitude of racists than perhaps this response.
How dare such a coward ask if I wrote a post that bares my image and name as well as my corporation, when they don't have the balls to even post a comment with their own name.
And what a comment it is. I realize that the intent is to create enough anger to hide the fact that the commentor is too uneducated to actually deal with the content, but this goes just that much further.
I don't mind radical opinions, and/or opinions that differ from my own. Such discussion is why I created this blog and write for 115 others. But sometimes I am astounded by the stupidity that can be found on the internet.
But I keep comments like this because of 2 simple reasons. The first is my strong belief in the 1st Amendment. The other reason is to highlight the dangerous and cowardly individuals that creep around our society.
Perhaps this cretin thought they would be empowered or achieve a modicum of fame for what they wrote. Factually they have provided all my readers across the world a bit of humor at their expense. And even that is too much credit for such a small-minded cowardly individual.
Honestly, if I had to chose between keeping an illegal immigrant and Anonymous, I'd take the illegal alien. At least they serve a purpose and have a value in this society. At least they understand the potential that America can provide.
Anonymous, you can rant all you want but there is no place for you on my blog or in decent American society - if anywhere in the world. Stay hidden under the rock you call a home and spare us all the embarassment you call wit and intellect.
you have got to be the biggest idiot in the world this contry was founded on immigrants. You probably have some immigrant blood line in you... the way people like you think is whats wrong with the world today.
Actually, this country was created on the blood and bones of slaves, not immigrants. And yes, my ancestors were slaves, not immigrants.
Even so, looking at America today, immigration is a problem. Unless you consider potentially another 12 million or more people on the rolls of Health Care Reform, unemployment and other drains to the economy positive. Which says nothing of the revenues lost to taxes, the export of dollars to other nations, and the jobs taken from citizens.
My point of view is to strengthen America first and deal with immigrants - illegal aliens to be exact - well after, I don't see how that is bad for my nation. If your view is to help out criminals, because every illegal alien in the nation is a criminal first and foremost, I can see how it does not help the nation.
Call me names all you like, but that does not alter the truth.
To the third Anon,
Spellcheck. English is obviously not your language, so do yourself a favor and make your comments readable.
Beyond that, I'm not worried about the world. I'm worried about America. A nation so screwed up, as you state, that EVERYONE in the world comes here in droves. A nation that is the power and envy of the world. Perhaps that's more the reason the world is upset with us, because they don't have what we consider common.
Lest you get too high on your pedastal, you might want to check out the immigration laws of other nations. Most won't even accept foreigners, and even fewer to any degree close to America.
I don't expect illegal aliens, people that have so much respect for the nation they have all broken our laws just coming here, to like what I have to say. But then again, I don't care what criminals think.
By the way, how am I being racist? Where exactly did I isolate any 1 group of illegal aliens? Just because I won't bend to posturing and name calling does not mean you are right. It just means I'm looking out for my nation first.
Reading your article has made me realize a lot... I am currently attending college and seeing all the illegal Africans, Hispanics, and middle eastern people I do think that they should get out!! I can understand the Africans it gets on my nerves I believe they should not allow them to enter college unless they learn how to pronounce words correctly and understand that showers ARE very important!!!
your so cruel these people come to ameriva for better lifes i want to see you one day dying of hunger and seeing what poverty is like.One day youll eat all those words you races human you need an education you monster your not well informed about immigration inform yourself first and dont open your mouth again.
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