The Dow Jones Index does not lie
Unless one of the better turn arounds of the stock market history occurs in the next 10 minutes, the Dow Jones will have fallen several hundred points, around the range of 7900 or less (a mere 300 points from a target I predicted over 3 months ago). This is happening at the same time that the Senate has pass the economic stimulus package created by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, bloated by Democrats, and touted by President Obama. So I have to wonder, exactly which people involved with the economy think this is a good plan?
This plan, and the extensive bailouts that President Obama’s tax dodging Treasury Secretary Geithner, are proposing obviously have not convinced the critical group of Americans that good times are anywhere close to the horizon. Since these investors also represent a large portion of the small and mid-sized business owners in America, as well as the world, I expect only one thing. All the emphasis of gloom and fear drummed up by Democrats will actually come to pass. Just as a result of their actions, and not the inaction they claim.
Unemployment in the nation is bad. Not quite the nearly 11% level that the policies of the Carter Administration created, but President Obama and the Democrat-led Congress have just gotten started. We currently hover at 7.8% unemployment, with the seeming goal of 25% reached in the Great Depression getting closer to the crosshairs each day.
None of this has stopped any Democrat, including the President from pressing forward. We have waste and pet projects, call them earmarks by another name, and little hope of improvement. Just look at what is planned.
“$10 million for urban canals, $2 billion for manufacturing advanced batteries for hybrid cars, and $255 million for a polar icebreaker and other "priority procurements" by the Coast Guard.”
That says nothing of the $100 million to be spent on Honey bees and similar items I cannot imagine creating jobs.
“The plan that we've put forward will save or create 3 million to 4 million jobs over the next two years.” – President Obama
“The president's own economists, in a report prepared last month, stated, "It should be understood that that all of the estimates presented in this memo are subject to significant margins of error."
But the polispeak is great. The promises of improvement sound fantastic when you include supposed facts that no one can ever corroborate. And the inclusion of key words like “save” helps keep the polispeak from becoming an outright lie, while showing the absolute lack of confidence that the plans instill. Yet this is good enough for the average American that does not review transcripts nor listen intently to ever word. But those who invest and run companies do, more often than not.
“The economic stimulus bill would allocate about $20 billion to help hospitals and doctors transition from paper charts to electronic health records for their patients… By itself, the adoption of more health IT is generally not sufficient to produce significant cost savings, the Congressional Budget Office reported last year.”
Again it is the confusion of facts and expectations, without proof, that keep many Americans from noticing the horrendous ramifications of the stimulus package and continued bailouts. The examples are not limited to just these few statements, but a collection of comments to the public since Pelosi first stumbled into the idea of another stimulus package in October (then priced at $50 billion total), and the factual items in the nearly $900 billion (actually over $1 trillion when interest is included modestly) terms.
The Dow Jones Industrial index is a forward indicator of the mind of business and economic health. Often it overreacts to the actions around itself on any given day. And there will be more than enough pundits and economists declaring just that, if the major news media that has invested so much into President Obama bothers to investigate that much. But economists don’t work the stock market. Stock brokers and business owners do. And without the degrees, charts, and visions of Santa delivering a healthy economy they have concluded, since January 2nd, 2009 that things are going to only get worse.
So I ask you, who do you believe? Congress and the Executive Administration that routinely fail to pay their taxes, write bad checks, organize pay-offs, and lie about the job they were elected to do (Barney Frank)? Or the guy who signs your check, watches the economy in action every day at every tick on the Dow, and the guy that will give either of those 2 enough money to expand their business and employ more people?
I was a stockbroker, so my opinion is biased. But you can look at the facts and the carefully stated words for yourself. Just don’t look at the value of your 401K while you do so.
Labels: Barney Frank, Carter Administration, Democratic Congress, Dow Jones Index, Nancy Pelosi, Polispeak, President Barack Obama, stimulus package, stock market, Treasury Secretary Geithner

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