Back again
Due to work and a severe computer crash I was gone for a while, back now though. So what has been on everyone's mind while I was gone?
Well for me a few random things. I recently saw the West Wing episode in which the TV presidential candidates had a debate live. It was great to see excelent actor do live TV. In addition the fact that they gave intelligent and mostly solid responses to questions, that represented the views of their respective parties, was far better than the sound-bite ladden "debates" that we get from our real candidates.
I like the fact that the Republican candidate, played by Alan Alda in an excellent manner, is not a religion fanatic and has strong views to 'big government'. Sometimes the media seems to forget that every republican is not into religion (predominately some form of 'christian' sect) and insisting that it be displayed at every oppourtunity. Religion is a personal aspect of life and is not a political stumping point. That should never be the only reason to pick a candidate.
And lets not forget that many republicans are quite intelligent, no less so than their democratic counterparts. This was also displayed with equal vigor by Jimmy Smits, as the democratic candidate. Well spoken and with ideas that any party member would be happy to expouse.
The key is that the characters actually debatted. This is what should happen. That gives us a chance to see what are the plans and attention-to-details that the candidates have. It provides a glimpse of their ability to react quickly and descisively. And it allows a chance to form an opinion about the inner character of the hopeful president-to-be.
These are important things we need to know. Who cares about smear campaigns. Don't bash the opponent in a flyer, directly confront him on the issues you disagree with and present a better arguement. If any group of candidates had the balls to do that today, we'd probably see number of voters go thru the roof. I mean its hard to care about someone who answers the question of how to fix Social Security in 15 seconds, and uses another 15 to attack his opponent. That is stupid. Its far to serious and complicated to be relagated to a soundbite. And how do you make an opinion based on a poll-generated fluff piece.
Well what do you think about it? Did you see Who Won the 'West Wing' Live Debate? Let me, and hopeful the cowardly debate rules committee, hear your thoughts.

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