Senator John Kerry 'jokes' about the military - 11.1.2006.1
I had quite the experience today. The initial action that started of the chain reaction was the news on Senator John Kerry. As long-time readers may guess, I have serious and massive reservations on many Democrats and no love for any politician that degrades the men and women in the Armed services of this nation. Suffice to say I have anger with the comments made by Sen. Kerry.In essences for those that have not heard this yet Sen. Kerry basically said, ‘If you get a good education, study hard, you will do well. If you don’t you will go to Iraq.’
Like many, in service and not, I find those words insulting. It infers that those in the military today are less than intelligent. Perhaps Senator Kerry should have had someone do the research because the facts are that the Armed Services are better educated than the general American public of the same age group. As reported by Fox News and other sources 99.3% of the U.S. forces have a high school diploma or the equivalent, as opposed to the 88% in the general U.S. population age 18-35. In addition 99% of the military officers have had at least some college education, while 19% of the Air Force, 12% of the Army, 6% of the Navy and 3.7% of the Marine forces have at least some college education. This compares to the 56% of 18 – 35 year olds in the general populace. I hardly call that a force of idiots.
In the defense of Senator Kerry, he does claim that his comments were a failed attempt at a joke aimed at the President. I have seen the video footage of his entire commentary, and in my opinion neither his words nor his tone/phrasing gave any impression of a joke. On top of this, Senator Kerry refuses to provide the written remarks he says he misread (which would show it was intended to be a joke) and has refused – publicly – to apologize for his statements. His response to criticism was to say that the President should apologize for having the troops in Iraq.
I do not agree with why the troops were sent to Iraq. I find fault with the manner in which the war is being handled. Yet I would never assume that those who have volunteered to join the military were ignorant. Those overseas in this war made a choice to defend the views and values of this nation, in effect supporting the causes for this action. That takes thought and critical thinking. To confer otherwise is to belittle the sacrifices these men and women have offered to do for those of us sitting comfortably at home. It is this sacrifice, made by all who have served their country, that allows Americans to complain about what the government is doing and the policies of the nation.
And I am tired by the excuse used by many, especially Democrats in office, that they support the troops but not the war and its cause. Those that have, and continue, to volunteer for military service have done so knowing what is the potential cost. In doing so I believe they are standing by the war and the cause, expanding our form of democratic government. So in supporting the troops one is obligated to support the war and its causes. That does not mean agreeing with the current strategy blindly. It does not mean failing to question ways to improve the situation or find a positive resolution. But hiding your head in the sand when things are not going was well as hoped is both useless and detrimental.
Continued in the post Barbershop thoughts...
Labels: Armed Forces, democrat, Fox News, Senator John Kerry

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