5 simple yes or no questions
In light of the consistent reversals of positions, incomplete answers and anything but subtle switches of subject from the issue at hand I was wondering about a couple of questions that the Presidential candidates could answer yes or no to. No trick questions, no bias based on political affiliation. Just something simple that should be able to get a simple answer. And to be fair, I will provide a follow-up question they can answer in any way they wish.
- 1. Do you believe the legal system in America is fair and balanced for all people regardless of their color of skin or economic bracket?
- 1a. What will you do about the obvious media and legal imbalances exemplified by the delay and then subsequent media coverage of the Jena case and the initial criminal charges, the sentence of Genarlow Wilson, and the complete avoidance of the Megan Williams case in West Virginia?
- 2. Do you find that the education system is adequate?
- 2a. How will you improve the incredible failure that is evident in the higher dropout rates and lower reading skills found now in students across the country?
- 3. Do you believe that religious fanatics who create violence are not motivated by monetary or political actions?
- 3a. How can America protect itself, under your guidance, against groups that have the singular desire to destroy the nations existence because of their religious belief?
- 4. Do you believe citizen taxes should be spent to benefit anyone but U.S. citizens?
- 4a. Why should Americans provide anything, funded by citizen taxes, to individuals that have committed a crime by entering the United States without legal documentation?
- 5. Do you agree that the work executed by Slaves in America provided the economic stability and physical labor that are the foundations of modern day America?
- 5a. Are you willing to consider and work on reparations for African Americans, similar to the reparations made to Native American Indians and Japanese Americans interned during WWII?
There are other questions that can be asked. Perhaps in the near future I will. But I would love to hear the simple and direct answer to each of these primary questions, and whatever answers is made for the follow-up. After all the soundbites, and incomplete answers we have heard in 2007 to date, on which the American public is expected to pick a Presidential candidate from each political party, it would be refreshing to have real answers.
I can only speak for myself, but I can have more faith and be more willing to vote for a candidate that gives me an honest and direct answer as opposed to somebody that appears to be playing at fears and polls to get elected.
Regardless of the answers, who do you think would actually answer these questions?
Labels: american taxes, Democratic Party, election 2008, illegal immigration, Japanese internment, jena 6, Megan Williams, Native American Indians, political debate, reparations, Republican Party, social services, WWII

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