Mexican President feels bad about Presidential candidates debating immigration
**This can also be seen at Presidential Race Blog, where I am a contributing author.**
Some Democrats want to hear more answers about running away from Iraq from Presidential candidates. Some Republicans want to hear more about how the economy will be maintained or improved. And most Americans want to hear about how their ability to receive healthcare and a decent education for their kids will become better than it is today. Virtually everyone wants to hear something from the Presidential candidates. Except Mexican President Felipe Calderón who wants to hear less.
It would seem that Mexican President Calderon thinks that illegal Mexican immigrants are being held as “thematic hostages” in the debates and speeches by the candidates. Can you believe that? Don’t you just feel for the illegal immigrants now? And I bet the candidates are all re-working their speeches now, it increases that portion of their public comments.
With all due respect President Calderon needs to shut up. And candidates need to take this as a clue to what will be happening to the next President of the United States. Millions of illegal immigrants will start to say they feel persecuted by the government, and their home country will back them up. Already we see how President Calderon feels his citizens are being unfairly discussed.
I mean how dare we have our politicians highlight as a problem the number of people that are in this nation, lacking any paperwork and documentation that would allow them to be in our nation legally. How dare we make this issue, and questions like whether these illegal aliens deserve the right to anything that U.S. citizens are entitled to. There is no reason why any Presidential candidate should discuss whether or not billions should be spent on providing education, healthcare coverage, driver’s licenses, or any other privilege or right of citizens to these de facto criminals in our nation.
It’s not as if President Calderon and the Mexican government are providing better conditions for their own people to live under. It’s not like they are preventing or curbing the ability of Mexicans from entering this nation illegally. In fact they realize that the Mexican government benefits from the influx of American dollars to their economy, sent by these criminals from our nation.
I say again, with due respect, shut up. We are carrying the burden of millions of illegals every day. We provide more care, money, and rights than his own government which is why they come here rather than suffer in their own nation. We have every right and need to discuss freely how we will deal with this burden. If President Calderon or the illegal aliens in this nation feel badly about this, they can always leave.
We did not invite all these people. We did not guarantee anything to them. We have no obligation to them. And if mentioning these facts is giving them or the home nation less than cuddly feelings, so what. It’s part of the freedom of America that we citizens get to discuss and act on those in our nation in violation of the law.
I respect that some Americans want to give more rights and privileges to the illegal aliens here. I respect that citizens of this nation feel that everyone within our borders deserves the best quality of life our government ensures. I understand that they feel that with the wealth and power our country commands some citizens feel that our Constitution should not be restricted to just our citizens.
But that is a debate that citizens can have, openly and without fear of reprisal form the government or various private groups that maintain more power than the government in some areas. Nothing weakens the argument of anything for these criminals (illegal immigration is a crime, lets not forget this) more than hearing them step up, in our country, and demand we treat them better. Perhaps only slightly less insulting is the comments from a government so weak as being incapable of taking care of tens of millions of it’s own people, trying to reprimand our politicians and in effect the citizens for discussing those same people.
If President Calderon wishes that immigration is less of a presidential debate issue I advise him to improve his “Keystone cop-esque” government and provide an equally or at least similar quality of life. Until then, the debate will move on and I will continue to state that if illegals wish to be in our country they deserve nothing. If they don’t like hearing that, they can go home to the miserable quality of thief they left. I’m sure hearing about the illegal actions they have taken is far less traumatic than living in a shanty town, without any medial attention, and no hope of an education or better life for their children.
Labels: driver’s licenses, Felipe Calderón, healthcare coverage, illegal immigrants, illegal immigration, Mexican President, President Calderon, Presidential candidates, undocumented workers

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