The lies Presidential candidates say, and the facts that prove it
So everybody knows that politicians lie. Whether it’s a local assemblyman or a Presidential candidate, we all know that at least some of the time they all tell untruths. But when are they lying, and how much of what they say is a shade of grey?
I recently found a site that can help decipher the truth and facts in the midst of a popular or catchy soundbite. PolitiFact covers everything from true statements, to pants-on-fire outright lies. Here are a few of my favorites (from Barely True to Pans-on-Fire with no particular emphasis on political party).
A popular soundbite from Mitt Romney accuses Senator Clinton of having no experience
“She hasn't run a corner store. She hasn't run a state. She hasn't run a city. She has never run anything.”
Of course it fails to account for her work while First Lady or as a lawyer. This is a barely true statement, but we don’t really know exactly what she did in the law firm or while First Lady. Which leads me to a favorite quote by Senator Clinton.
“All of the records, as far as I know, about what we did with health care, those are already available.”
Well yes they are sort of available. Except that President Clinton has the right to question anything being presented to the public, like all Presidents do. That means he reviews items first. Thus he has not ‘stopped’ anything from being published, he just isn’t moving things along with any need for speed. It’s all how you word it.
Speaking of wording things to get a positive response from particular groups, how about the green/global warming crowd. Here is a group that has gotten a lot of attention since the Al Gore film. But Mike Gravel has no qualms about mixing fact with the feasibly impossible.
“If we manufactured 5-million of these 2.5-meg windmills across the country, we could electrify the entire nation — the entire nation.”
While that could handle the load, it is not realistic that all the mills would capture consistent wind, and creating a electricity grid to handle, store, and distribute the electricity is unrealistic. But doesn’t it sound great?
But how about straight out lies? Comments made just to get a quick vote or shift polls even thought anyone who checks the facts will find out that this is just smoke being blown up our collective… well you know.
Continued in Part 2...
Labels: John Edwards, Mike Gravel, PolitiFact, Rudy Giuliani, Senator Clinton, Senator McCain, Senator Obama

It's amazing that Ms Clinton now is starting to remember the truth about the trip to Bosnia. I was there and there was ZERO percent shooting going on. I've seen so many lies come from that mouth that one knows she's been around Bill too long. I like Bill, he can lie at the drop of a dime and have the hardest Republic believe him. Hillary need to sign up for more lessons from Bill. I'll only mention some of Bill's lies if he's appointed Sec. of State!
Good luck America
In reference to Rev Wright, if one checked out sermons by Rev Jerry Falwell, (now deceased) you'll find similar comments about America and it's "chickens coming home to roost." Those typ of comments were in many churches during a brief time after 9/11. Just last month, one well know TV preacher from San Antonio, Tx was telling the truth of how Isreal was going to hell because they were not christians. All three ministers are correct! So, will Sen McCain or Clinton's ministers be next on the news hit list?
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