Heartland Live 2
The first candidate was John Edwards. The first quetion delved into the fact that special interest has a huge hold over D.C. and politicians. That these groups promote an America Divided.
The response was not too hard to guess. Edwards mentioned how average Americans, and the poor need to regain power in America. That 35 million go hungry last year and that we need to change this. It was an answer we all can agree with and consistent with what he has always said.
Mr. Edwards goes on to say in the next question to attack corporations, mentioning he spent 20 years taking on corporation. He did not mention the fact that his last job as an attorney made money opposite to how he did for his first 20 years, as I recall.
He plans to enforce the clean air act, and create new anti-trust laws. He wants to take power from corporations and give it to the people. What exactly does that mean? How will that be done? How will he limit that to only major corporations as he implies.
Going on, he was asked about racial profiling and unequal sentances experience by African Americans and minorities. He says he will end racial profiling, remove manditory minimums, provide national healthcare, and raise the minimum wage to 9.5 dollars an hour. He will empower unions remove the disparity insentances for crack and coke.
Labels: Heartland Presidential Forum, John Edwards, TV One

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