A point of caution for Iowa Democrats
As has been shown constantly since it happened, the most important part of the Iowa Debate has now hit YouTube. It’s very important for more reasons than just the joke that Senator Obama wittily made. Take a look at the video clip, and watch for the details. I’ll explain my points right after.
Now at the beginning we get the question. This is very important because of what it does not state. The fact is that many long-time supporters of the Clinton’s have abandoned them and joined Senator Obama. I have to wonder why these people, who personally know the Clinton’s, would end a decades long relationship. What do they know that would cause them to switch? And en masse at that.
The next thing we hear is the laugh. Or cackle if you prefer. [The 23rd second of the video] This is not a joyful laugh, but one that directly implies superiority and advantage. It’s clear that Senator Clinton felt this was an embarrassment to Senator Obama. That it proved his lack of experience and ability, in her mind. Her laughter was at him and not with him, it was mean-spirited and for once an honest reaction from a normally very well scripted and calculating politician. [I’ll address the experience issue in a moment]
Senator Obama responded in defense and with class. [The 28th second] Rather than snapping at Senator Clinton’s implied slap in the face, he retaliated with jest. He emphasized his growing support and the fact so many of her initial supporters have joined him. He mentioned and declared that like all great leaders, he too would seek advice from those around him and make the best decision.
If you notice the reaction from Senator Clinton, which is brief, is opposite everyone else. EVERYONE else laughed. Senator Clinton caught herself in the middle of a scowl. [The 32nd second of the video clip] She showed part of another real reaction. She is angry about her attempt to embarrass was used against her, well. That a moment she thought would stand for her benefit turned into a moment of her obvious weakness.
I am not saying that Senator Obama should be the choice of anyone. I am not endorsing any candidate, Republican or Democrat, at this moment. But I am highlighting facts that are going unspoken in this race of the primaries.
Oh, and as for experience. In the mid-80’s Senator Obama worked as a community organizer in Chicago. In the 1990’s Senator Obama ran a voter registration drive. From 93-96 he represented communities and voter rights as a lawyer and lectured on constitutional law from 1993 until 2004 when he was elected to the Senate. Oh, don’t let me forget to mention that Senator Barack Obama served in the Illinois State Senate from 1996 until 2004 when he was elected to the Senate.
Now that might not be executive political experience, but it is experience. It is serving the public. It is a commitment that spans roughly 20 years.
As for Senator Clinton. She campaigned for a year in 1973. She researched impeachment procedures in 1974. She taught something at Fayetteville School of Law, for 3 years until she got a job working on patent infringement. When President Bill Clinton was elected Governor she got to work on getting federal funds to expand medical facilities. After President Clinton lost re-election she joined Arkansas Educational Standards Committee and did eventually change school policies.
When President Clinton was elected First Lady Clinton took on healthcare, a familiar area for her. She failed miserably.
Essentially Senator Hillary Clinton has consistently had minor experience serving the public. She has done very well making money in dubious actions. But her roles helping the public have consistently come from her connection to President Clinton. That includes being elected in New York, where she is not from and has no connection to.
Senator Clinton has not lead a life of public service. President Bill Clinton has, Hillary has not. Consistently Senator Clinton has had the claim that she was around public service, and dabbled with it a bit, while being the wife of someone who did serve the public.
If sleeping with public figures qualifies as public service, executive experience, then expect Monica Lewinsky to win a Senate seat shortly. But if actually serving the public is the criteria, Senator Clinton is lacking all the candidates.
Oh, a last thought. From 1978 until roughly 1992 Senator Clinton made at least $100,000 a year. She was on multiple corporate boards. When was it that she, or Warren Buffett, or John Edwards and so on, wrote a check from their excess funds to the government just because. Not paying taxes but just paying more than their share, which she claims the rich, which she qualifies as for over 2 decades, don’t do.
Suffice to say, be cautious at the Iowa Caucus. 41 seconds in the past might have a lot to say about what 4 years in the future could be like.
Labels: democrats, Iowa Caucus, political debate, Presidential candidates, Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, Warren Buffett

This is a repost of a comment to this post from Presidential Race Blog
By Sharon,
How many people know that Obama won’t pledge the flag? How many people don’t know that Obama is Muslim. I see the rapture starting already & if he wins it is 1 step closer for the Muslims who are not Christians to take over our world. God help us all.
I am shocked. Not by the allegations you have claimed, which have been floating around the internet since early 2007 and gained notable attention when members of the Clinton campaign staff were distributing them. Each point you wish to make here is highly documented as not only lies, but as smears without merit in any manner whatsoever.
Don’t take my word for it. A simple Google search for Obama pledge, or Obama muslim will provide dozens of credible sites that refute in absolute detail the questions you pose.
My question to you is this. Are you promoting this email slander to help Senator Clinton (as she and her campaign have been actively attacking, and using dirty political methods against, Senator Obama) or are you so racist and fearful that the mere potential of an African American as President is enough for you to react in this manner.
I have to believe that it is one or the other, because if you have read any of my posts you would gather several important facts. That I have been following the Presidential race since 2006, and I am aware of most of the major facts of each candidate (regardless of political party). That I am neutral, and support no candidate at this time. That cheap attempts to gain votes either through bribes (see the various stimulus and college plans that have been announced), religion, gender, race, and fear are all items I despise and refute.
Had you actually read any of my posts you would have seen that. But instead you wished to attack Senator Obama with obvious known lies and fear. I can only hope that you are ignorant and not purposefully seeking to discredit the candidate. Because if you feel that another candidate needs to do this to win the nomination, I have to wonder what would they do with the power of the Presidency behind them?
None of the Presidential candidates are perfect. They are human beings and each has made decisions that they now feel were mistakes. Each of them has a strong belief in their goals for America. But none deserve to have petty false accusations to be made against them for the benefit of small minded individuals that cannot accept anything that is not already in their convoluted minds.
I would not let comments against Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee’s faith go unanswered. I would not allow an attack on Senator Clinton because she is a woman. I do not believe that anything that could be said against each and every candidate, in an attempt to divert the public from them, should go unchallenged. Facts are fair game, but unbridled bias pisses me off. And it should piss off every American citizen. It cheapens and weakens our nation everytime we allow it to be spread without comment.
So in closing I will say this. Only you will answer to your God, and I hope that you made this comment because you are ignorant. Because if you did this in malice, according to what I have learned of every major religion in the world, you will be punished deservedly.
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