Dow Jones at 7600 - what I said, right and wrong
Back on November 18, 2008 I made a prediction. I said that in the first quarter the Dow Jones Index will hit 7600. I then proceeded to explain why it will do this and what will be happening. With the Dow having crossed my target I will reflect on what I said then.
“…auto makers are now first in line to ask for their own bailout,… And Congress will likely pony up the money for each of them.”
In fact the auto makers asked Congress for $50 billion dollars. As a surprising move, probably meant to give citizens the impression that Congress has some idea of what it is doing, the auto makers only received $15 billion.
Keep in mind that like the credit bailout, auto makers claimed at the time that the entire amount was needed or they would fail. To date the auto makes have not failed (though they have laid off workers, which was inevitable) nor has the economy though less than all the funds requested have been used.
“So far a 2nd stimulus plan is being conceived, growing from an initial hidden $50 billion, to $150 to $300, and now is being speculated at $500 billion dollars. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t just screw up, she does it with swings to the bleachers.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi not only hit the bleachers, she hit it out of the park. The stimulus package is being signed by President Obama today at the eye-popping total of $787 billion. But only Democrats think there is no waste in the stimulus.
“This means that New York City will get crushed this year.”
So far the budget of New York State is so bad that Gov. Patterson is in the process of taxing citizens based on weight. And who knows what will be next, but be assured the State is in severely bad condition.
“President Obama will get inaugurated and the Dow will drop 500 points.”
In fact the Dow dropped every day from the start of 2009. On the inauguration the Dow jones Index dropped 337 points. Not the 500 I expected, but close enough.
“Oil prices should stabilize at around $65 - $70 per barrel to start the year…”
I am completely wrong. They are currently at about $37 a barrel of crude oil. The economic crisis is keeping demand way down, and so far oil is not being used as an alternative investment.
“Gold and precious metals should all increase dramatically in a similar manner to that of 2008.”
As of today, Gold hit $973.80 an ounce. It is within $36 of an all-time high, set last year.
“Growth in China will likely stall as well, especially since the boost from the Olympics will have faded.”
The World Bank has stated that real exports will be down 7.5% in 2009 (at 3.5% versus 11% in 2008) and the growth in that nation will slow to 7.5%, or down 1.9% from 2008.
“Taxes will increase roughly 3% on all income groups.”
Wrong so far, but just wait for it.
“Several mid-sized financials will fail, blame will go to short-sellers and corporate greed.”
Expectations are that this is on the horizon.
“Confidence in the U.S. Treasuries will weaken, and several nations will begin to sell in hopes of buying national debt of England and a few isolated nations.”
Thankfully I am wrong on this so far. I pray to remain incorrect. But there is no reason for any nation to buy Treasuries at below 5%. It’s just not worth it.
“Unemployment will hit a 20 year high, again raising fears of a depression.”
I cannot count the number of times Democrats, and President Obama, have stated we are in or about to be in a depression. Call it fear mongering if you want to be honest, but it’s a daily statement without question.
Unemployment recently broke a 28 year record.
“Iran and Russia will take aggressive stances in the world stage.”
They have been blustering a bit of late. But they have not taken a full-blown aggressive stance. Yet.
“If I am as correct as I was in 2008, then 60 - 70% of what I have said will occur, though not exactly in my timeframe.”
Well looking at it empiracally I would say that I have got it about 55% right so far. The 1st quarter isn’t over yet either. World politics can shift in a minute, so that might push up my percentages at any time. And honestly I don’t what the rest of what I expected to come true. It would mean devestation to millions.
I will stand by a though I made at that time as well though. I expect things to get a bit worse and hold through the second quarter. But given I had no idea what the stimulus package would entail, nor such a enormous wasteful pricetag I will ammend my thoughts.
The 2nd half of 2009 will be just as bad, if not worse than the first half. There is no stimulus in the stimulus package. There is nothing to preserve or create jobs. No sound person would use any of the paltry amounts the stimulus will provide to do anything but save, pay bills, or watch evaporate if gas and/or oil prices move up at all.
At this point I would imagine gold hitting $1150, crude oil eventually getting back to about $60 (mostly through alternative investment speculation and production cutbacks). I fear but expect unemployment to hit 10% by the end of the year. The 4th quarter will be horrible. Inflation will likely run 3% higher. The Dow Jones Index can be expected to drp another 500 and stabilze there over the next few months.
Again I will say that I hope I am wrong. I want to be completely wrong by the end of the year. I want to laugh at what I expected with tears of joy. But I doubt it.
I’m at 55% and we are only in the middle of the 2nd month of the year. With a liberal Democrat President, a Democrat-led Congress that is headed by 2 of the most incompetent (in my opinion) politicians in decades, and expectations of spending that might have been called astronomical only a few years ago.
But we will see. Do let me know what you think.
Labels: Congress, crude oil, Dow Jones Index, gold spot prices, inflation, President Barack Obama, recession, stimulus package, U.S. economy

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