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I rejoice in being a black man... In being one of the most powerful creatures on earth. I instil fear, by walking down a street or entering an elevator. I am held in awe by women of all colors for my beauty and strength. I am respected, even by my enemies for withstanding their attemps to humble or lessen me.
Only I can travel to other nations and create wonder at my natural leadership and ability to survive any circumstance. Only I can cause nations to wage century long campaigns to strive to strip my manhood. Only I can change my chains weighted upon me to props for laughter and song. Only I can wear my hardships and pains as symbols of pride and honor, and cause others to seek out paltry imitations of such to wear as false symbols for themselves.
I command my peers, few as they are, and create work and careers where I am told I cannot tread. I go boldly in every step, confidence obvious in every stride. I excel in my actions as nature has blessed my physique many times. And I confound many with my innate knowledge understanding and adaptability to my surroundings, the world, and science.
I rejoice in being able to have a mate I chose, who I exhalt because she is mine. I smile with the knowledge that she is my equal, not because of law nor words of those less than me, but because I know it.
I acknowledge who I am, what I am, and all it entails. For all the money and power in the world combined cannot match nor buy the depth and width of what I am.
I rejoice in me.